4 years later.

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Rokuro POV

I punch at Kamui but I miss him by a hairs breath. Not stopping I pick up a handful of rocks and shoot them at him. Ive long since forced the need for enhancements or talismans. One of the rocks scrapes past his cheek and I duck as he swings a leg at my head only to turn it into an Ax kick smashing down on my shoulder. Ouch. I spin just in time to miss another powerful blow to the stomach. Suddenly A beam of light hits me in the chest and destroys my shirt.

"Seriously, that was my second to last whole shirt. What's wrong with you today?" Usually Kamui doesn't get this worked up. To my surprise he says "I have to talk to you after this." that wasnt expecting and So I lunged myself at him.

Two hours later were both sweating and slump against the remains of the destroyed buildings around me. 

"So, what did you want to talk to me about." Taking a big swig of water I watch Kamui coughs and says,

"I have to go away for a while and I want you to exorcise Kagare and..." he stops and then says in a few words that crush me 

"...And Go back to the dorms." I start to choke and after a moment I look at him.

"But I can't leave you until I beat you." Kamui just nods.

"You have two choices, one you do as I say and you will be released of your promise imidatly or you die, I'll tear out your heart with a thought. " Turning I feel a sharp pain in my heart.  Kamui was my master in every way, he mad my ife a living hell, literaly bt he had always pushed me to my breaking point and mad me stronger, faster, and truthfuly cruler.  I had seen the ugly side of the world.  Id killed thousands of Kagare and my faair share of humans too.  It was always choices with him, Looking into his eyes I said,

"I chose the first one because I can always fight you another day." and with that I stood up and walked towards our camp. Changing into my last shirt I slip the red fabric over my head and pull it down. My black pants and combat boots are worn but are still hole free, finally I slipped my black wind breaker on and grab my Rucksack filled with water and a bedroll. Turning I wave too Kamui and say under my breath 

"We will meet again my friend"and walked in the direction of Seika Dormitory which was about 150 miles away, a three day trip.

Benio Pov

I look over the talkative group, Suddenly Kisame waved me over,

"Hey Benio Were going on patrol, do you want to come with us." I nodd enthusiastically, 

"I'll be there in a minute. I just have to grab my equipment." Grabbing my bag I ran to the bathroom and changed into my black outfit. Touching over my heart were my star tattoo was I smiled and ran after them. Kisame holds the door open for me and I dive in commando style earning a few laughs. Kisame slams the sliding door shut and we take off. Ryoga gets on his phone and says, 

"There was just a call, there's a huge swell up of kagare on 56th st. Along with a few s ranked Kagare."  I smile S ranks were the funnest to take care of. the first Kagare I saw Rokuro take down was an S class and It was amazing I shake my head to rid myself of thoughts of him. It had been four years since I had seen him, most said he was dead but I knew better. It was like we were still connected, he just felt closer today for some reason. Pulling up on the kerb on 56th st we all get out. Kisame is my new partner and everyone else partners up. Atsushi opens up the portal and we step thru to see at least two hundred kagare waiting for us, and six S classes were there, another one was in the distance. We immediately jump into action activating our talismans, beside me Kisame swings his massive broadsword at a kagare.

Two hours later we had only taken out half of the smaller kagere and two off the s classes. Huffing I swing my sword at a kagare but it dodges and lunges at me, Kisame blocks it, and splits it in half. Grabbing his offered hand he pulls my up straight from my crouched position.

"Is the great exorcist, Benio out of juice."I huff and punch his shoulder.

"Of course not she simply didn't get enough beauty rest last night." I can hear giggles from farther away. Idiots.

Rokuro POV

Over in the distance I could see Kagare gathering and the sounds of fighting. Stupid exorcists. Turning away from my destination I walk towards the fight. When the kagare spot me they flee but i simply use my string. It cuts thru the kagare like a hot knife thru butter. My string was an ability that let me change normal string into something harder than an enchanted steel sword. And then I see her. A well built man with blond hair offered a hand to Benio. Oh gods Benio. Examining her I notice that she hadn't changed a bit, except she seemed to be more loose and comfortable. Suddenly a large Kagare dives at me and I side step. Flicking it the beast vanishes. I can see the other exorcists now, Ryogo and Shinnosuke along with Atsushi were all fighting. Taking my string I slice through each Kagare in an instance.

Ryogo Pov.

Suddenly all of the kagare vanish. Turning I see a tall dark figure striding forward. Immediately everyone bunches together and has their weapons ready, then the figure steps out of the shadow of the building behind him and inhale, before me is Rokuro.

 He is really tall and has lots of muscle. But his face has a scar that runs across his closed right eye. Black pants with a pair of worn combat shoes and a black windbreaker are set of by his bright red shirt. a rucksack is tossed over his shoulder, and oh my god his hair. A long high pony tail sways behind him as he walk's. Raising a hand he waves at us. Beside me Benio inhales. I just stand there stupidly as she runs past me and tackled Rokuro in a fierce hug, I can hear wailing coming from her as she bawled her eyes out. Rokuro looks really uncomfortable and slowly pats he back. The rest of us walk up to him and I can feel tears running down my face. Finally Rokuro says

"Benio can you please release me, I can't breath." immediately Benio releases him and she sniffles. Suddenly Kisame appears, a scowl on his face and he says in his macho scary voice

"Who the hell are you? " Rokuro seems to examine him before dismissing Kisame. Turning he says in a voice that is low and gruff yet musical

"It's been a while but I'm finally free. I was just heading back to the dorms when I noticed you guys fighting. Could I get a lift back I have some business to deal with there before I move on." We all nod except for Kisame who was furious for being ignored suddenly he says

"You're likely an imposter imitating Rokuro,hes dead."Suddenly Rokuro stops and turns, he walks up to Kisame and looks down at the shorter man. Suddenly a huge explosion of energy is released and I stagger under the weight. Looking up I see Kisame on the ground and Rokuro standing over him, Rokuro says in very low voice that carried to all of us,

"I am not an imposter American. If you are not on the same level as me don't try to threaten or insult me. I have been away for a very long time and I have seen and done a lot of bad things, not just to kagare but also to myself and other humans. I won't stop now so watch what you say. I could tear your heart out with a thought, American" He seemed to spit the word American like it was poisonous. Suddenly the massive energy disappeared and I was able to stand up straight. Turning to us Rokuro simple said 

"Are you guys going to give me a lift or should I walk back."  I smile Kisame totally deserved that, he's an a** h*** . Benio then says in a slightly shocked voice,

"Yes we're just on the other side of the vail here."Rokuro simply nods and Benito pulls out a talismen and opens the gate to the human world.

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