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I feel like my heart is being torn to pieces, Rokuro looks so different. I walks inside of the dorms and waves to everyone. A lazy grin on his face. I want to hug him and not let him go, but I restrain myself. Quietly I make my way over to the table and sit down. Not to long after everyone joins us and when some snakes are placed down Rokuro devours them. After everyone got a laugh out of watching him the questions finally start. Ikaruga asks first

"What happened to you and theKagura when you went missing." Rokurus face took on a distant look and he said

"I killed it. Unfortunately I wasn't in any shape to even move a finger." I feel my eyes tear as I imagine him on the ground unable to move from injuries,

"But then I was offered a choice. Die or live, there was a price for living though. But I told myself I could do it, I had to come on back to Benio." I feel a couple tears slip out from my eye as he says this.

"I actually am not free but my master has been sent away on a special task and so I returned." Everyone blinked and Rokuro shrugged his shoulders and contines,

"It wasn't a very pleasant existence, this is the first time in 4 years I've breathed clean air and seen the sun. Believe me when I say that it's a lot nicer here though." He hadn't seen the sun in 4 years!!! Mafu asks the next question

"Who was your master?" A pained look crossed his face and a very sad smile crossed his face

"My master... He was my world for 4 years. " It wasn't an answer but no one was going to push. Rokuro smiled gently, not like his old infectious grins. No, this one was small and quiet yet at the same time so, so, sad. I reach a hand out and touch him.

"How about you and me go back to the house, It hasn't changed much though." At this Rokuro actually laughed.

"You're still living in that death trap. " I huff a little and say

"It's not a death trap,"

"Uh remember when the floors tilted sideways and we were locked in that room." The memories of jumping from peice of furniture to furniture spiked a sad bit of pain in my heart. He seemed to sense it and unconsciously we both touched our tattoos.

"Um I think it would just be best if I...um we went back home." I stutter over the last bit but get it all out. Rokuro reads the room and says

"I will return to the house, I'll come by for lunch if that's alright." Everyone nods and he stands, Kisame finaly buts in,

"Benio I really don't think you should go back to your place with this strange guy." I feel a laugh bubble up in my chest. I'd never told him about my arrangement with Rokuro but hed heard rumors about him. Befor I can explain the person in question speeches up,

"American, for your information at one point in time I was Benio's fiancé, and actually I still am." Everyone turned and stared at me. I blushed and pulled down the collar of my shirt exposing the tattoo, Rokuro follows suit, Everyone stairs,

"I thought it was dissolved," Granny said

"No, um It won't dissolve until the other person is killed." Rokuro sad.  granny said

"That's why you weren't worried about the possibility that Rokuro was dead." I nod my head and Rokuro gives a sheepish nod too.

"Actually I learnt to manipulate the bound, I can find Benio anywhere in the worlds, but she can't find me. I put up parameters so she can't." I huff and poke him in the chest.

"Why didn't you leave it open." I say

"Because I knew you'd come looking for me." I didn't say anything because I knew I would have. I was so desperate and would have done anything to find him. Turning I pick up my jacket and say,

"Were going back to our house where we can talk about this in private." When he didn't move I said

"NOW!!!" He gave everyone a small apologetic smile and got up. Turning he began to walking down the hallway and motioned to me.

"I thought we were going."

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