2. You've got to be kidding me

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We both got to our science class right on time. And by right on time, I mean 7 minutes late.

"What's it this time, Chloe." Our science teacher ,Mr Peterson questioned me. "Well,it all started when ......"I trailed of when I saw Mr Peterson glaring at me and I guessed that I was not supposed to answer that question. A few students snickered.

"Well,why did he ask if I was not supposed to answer." I thought to myself while mentally rolling my eyes. I snapped back to reality as I heard Emma apologising to Mr Peterson I hurriedly apologised and rushed to my seat at the back of the class while Emma sat in the middle row.

Mr Peterson rolled his eyes before going back to the lesson. Apparently,he was talking about a project we were to do. He was going to pair us in twos and we were to analyse the reactivity of alkali metals in water. What a project. Preety tough,eh.

He told us that we were going to have a month to work on it. We all cheered because we had a lot of time to work on the project. The only downside to this project was that Mr Peterson was going to select our partners for us and the worst part is that whoever your partner is would be your partner for the rest of the semester. Shocker, eh.

Mr Peterson began to call out the names of partners. I waited in suspense for him to call I and Emma's names. I already knew that he wasn't going to pair us together but it was fun to hope for it.

"Emma Watson and Steven Johnson." I'm happy for Emma. She's partners with the school's biggest nerd. After a couple more names were called out. I heard mine.

"Chloe Rivers and....." Wait for it ".......Robert Symore." I wondered who that was until I saw a nerdy jock, mostly jock running up to me. The only thing that made him look nerdy was his big fat round glasses hanging by his ears. 
    As soon as our names were called out, I felt so many shocked eyes on me and Robert. They all looked at Robert in pity, as if I would eat him alive or something. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not that bad, guys" I mumbled out to no one in particular.

       "Hi, I'm Robert, your new science partner. " He said. "Yeah, i figured. And as you know, I'm Chloe, also your new science partner" I said. We both laughed. Maybe this wouldn't be that bad, I guess.

For the rest of the period, were talked about random things and got to know each other better. Turns out that he lives with his mother and three siblings in a house on Brooklyn Street which also happens to be very close to the street I stay on, Sesame street. His parents divorced when he was seven which was nine years ago.That means he's 16 while I'm 15.

After a while the period ended. We bid our goodbyes and went our separate ways. We decided to be doing our project in his abode. He gave me his address before the period ended. I was actually excited that I was going to be working with him because he seemed nice and I was very comfortable talking to him which I'm surprised about since I hate socialising with others.

I waited for Emma by the door and when she eventually came outside I dragged her towards our English class which fortunately, we had together. On our way there I told her about Robert, my new science partner and she told me about hers. We got to English class just as the bell rang and we took our seats.

     The English lesson dragged by and so did the other classes after it. And I have to say, today is one of the most boring school days I have ever witnessed and Emma agreed with me. The only highlight of the day for me was the fight between Jeremy and one other kids during lunch, I mean who dosent like a good fight once in a while. That's pretty much all that happened today at school.

Finally, the time I had been waiting for arrived and that was the time when school was over. Yay!!
     I bid Emma goodbye. Normally I would have just followed her home and then she'll take me home later but she was going to the worst place ever to exist (cue scary music), The Mall.

Agggh!!, scary right.

So, I decided to walk home. As I was peacefully walking down the walkway, who am I kidding. I mean as I was childishly skipping and annoyingly singing down the walkway a shadow appeared beside me. I was about to scream until I noticed that the shadow was Roberts.

"Oh, hi Robert. How are you doing?". I ask him, giving him a small smile.
          "I'm good, how about you?" he responded and that was the start of our conversation. We talked about school and discussed the project until I saw my house a few steps away. I thanked him for his company and ran towards my house. I looked back to catch one more glimpse of him before finally stepping into my house.

I don't know why but I'm beginning to get really excited about this project and I don't know why.

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