4.Crazy night..

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"Well", Emma starts and I'm pretty sure she's asking of my opinion of the movies. I pretend not to hear her question and I'm sure my face paints a picture of someone who is scarred for life.
"C'mon Chloe" she whines, "It wasn't that bad".

But seriously, I'm sure many of you out there must think that I'm exaggerating or something but I'm not . Let me try to explain all the activities that had taken place during the span of the three movies.

Emma basically comments on every single thing the characters say or do and if that isn't annoying enough she starts to cry at a point. I asked her if she was okay and she told told me that it was tears of joy.
Tears of joy for a movie, okay that girl is absolutely smoking something.

Oh and did I also mention that Emmas laughter sounds like a crying walrus; and let me tell you , I heard a lot of walruses cry this evening.

Okay, fine, I actually enjoyed the movies because they were quite funny and not as sappy as I had imagined it would be, but I will never admit that to Emma. Never!!!

Although all of Emma sounds and reactions annoy me, the movie night was alright.

I glanced towards the direction of the bat shaped clock hanging above my wardrobe and saw that it was forty five minutes past 7.

"Chloe" Emma whines once again and I sigh. "The movies were okay, I guess" I tell Emma but I mumble the last part.

As soon as those words left my mouth I was attacked by Emma. Okay, I wasn't attacked, she was just hugging me.

And as she hugged me I awkwardly patted her back because I didn't know what to do, since I hate hugs.

Well, I don't exactly hate hugs; it's just that my mother used to give me hugs a lot when she was still, you know, alive. If I'm feeling sad, happy, anxious she would pull me close to her and I would bury my head in her chest and we would sit there hugging each other for what seems like forever and I would feel like the most special girl in the world.

Emma, must have sensed what I was thinking about because she pulled back instantly and let out a sigh. No one in our household called her late because, she will always be alive in our thoughts, our memories and in our hearts. She's still alive to us all.

I feel myself begin to sob but I still tried to fight back the tears. I couldn't keep the tears away any longer so I burst in tears.

It hurt so much. It still hurts me till now. She just left unexpectedly. I don't blame her or anything but I feel so hurt because I believe that a part of me died too along with her.

My dad is the best. He is the strongest man I've ever known. Well, except for John cena.

Some other men I know would have, I don't know, maybe ignored his children or something or maybe blame them for the death of his wife. But instead dad loves us and he doesn't pretend with us.

I see it on his eyes that he still loves mom. Not that I read eyes or something, that would be a weird talent or don't you think so. And that's why he promised us that he'll never remarry and I'm very happy about that. I guess that's why I respect him so much.

I try to look up at Emma but I don't want anyone to think I'm weak. Emma must have noticed me trying to sneak glances at her and after a while she uses her index finger to lift my chin up and she smiles sadly and tells me that she'll always be there for me and because of that I can cry around her and she wouldn't find me weak.

She tried to hug me again but she relented because of what had happened before. We both giggled at that and I stood up to go to the bathroom to wash my face.

A few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring and I ran downstairs to open it. I heard someone behind the door struggling with some bags.

I peeped out and saw my dad struggling with some grocery bags. "Hey daddy" I said but his butt was just in front of my face so I felt weird.

"Hey kiddo, do you mind helping me with this grocery bags?" He asks and I nod. When I realised that since his back was turned to me he couldn't see me, I rolled my eyes at my stupidity and I uttered a "not at all dad".

He put down some of the bags and I carried them. I dropped the bags on the kitchen slab and I helped my dad sort the groceries.

"How was work dad?" I asked my dad who was putting some canned beef inside a cupboard.

"It was fine, there was a new employee though and he helped me plan the company's presentations, so my work was lest stressful. Just so you know, my boss is still an ass." He replied.

I laughed at the last part and finished sorting out the groceries and I went upstairs to meet Emma. I saw her texting someone probably her mom and I settled in beside her.

I took out my phone from my pocket and opened up Instagram. I scrolled through the pictures for a while and then dumped the phone on my bed . I looked up and Emma was still texting .

I heard some noise downstairs indicating that my brothers where back from their friends place. I then heard heavy footsteps on the stairs followed by a door being slammed. The twins must have had a fight or something like that.

I ignored it and went to the bathroom in my room with my towel and pyjamas. I had a quick shower and changed into my PJ. I opened my cupboard and brought out a novel. Emma had already fallen asleep and I'm guessing that she's staying here for the night.

I moved her body as little to create space for myself and once I did that I lay beside her and muttered good night to the already asleep Emma .

I yawned a little and decided that I'll read the novel I had brought out tomorrow. It was nine thirty and I'm sure my dad had made some food for us to eat before bed but I was too tired to even think about food. I yawned once more and I felt myself drifting into dreamland.


Hey guys,
I just want to thank you for reading this book. I'm happy with how far I've come. And I want to thank you guys so much for the votes and the reads and for everything generally. Don't forget to keep reading, voting and commenting because it would make me really happy.

Thanks again,

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