arts and craft

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I return out to the woods the next day. MY eyes are still red and puffy from my wash of emotions, but I no longer feel a strong sadness within me. I know I Needed to let it all out for some time, but I never wanted to, that was all. I guess now that it's all gone It's somewhat of a relief. I pray that I never have to face that again. It's so dreadful and it aches, my chest feels like it burns and my eyes feel as though they could drop out of my sockets at any given moment if they wished to. Terrible.

As I get out the cottage I made, I go back to the death scene. I hastily get some of the wolf's blood and scrape it into a glass bottle, and then poor water in. I need his scent on the bot i'm creating, after all. I then proceed to go over to were my blood trail is, and I check it. Still wet. Still strange. As well as bot building I need to figure out what is wrong with me and why this is happening. In the mean time though I need to make sure I don't loose anymore blood. That would not be a good thing while I'm on the run from the freak show .  Don't want them to know me exact location, after all, if I Let that thing tell the Soul Thief my location and fears, I would be in even more a pickle then I already am in. 

I check I've got enough blood, then decide to just cover my blood up with some more leaves and thick layer of snow. It doesn't help much, but anyone just having a small glance wont be able to see what's been hidden underneath. 

Clutching the small bottle as though it's all that can keep me alive, I take a full blown sprint as I head back. I need to start right away. I need to get this bot built quick, before the retched beast figures out somethings happened. He must begin to wonder when the morpher is coming back.He's suspecting something, but not to the point where he needs to go investigate. I just need to get this bot over there before he expects something. 


I get back and begin to assemble anything I can. I still have the image of his human form in my head, so I do the best I can to remember it. black hair with a  quiff, marble black eyes, pale white skin, rosy red lips, curved nose. I would probably consider him attractive if he didn't nearly kill me. I forgot the clothes. Darn. 

I run back out, and against my better judgement I strip him of his clothes, but I leave his underwear on. Maybe seeing whats under there does disturb me a bit. I then proceed to race back, my breathes being rapid and uneven. I return and begin again. 

I have an old mahican. It's weird, I guess my dad was a bit obsessed, but now it's just perfect. I cut a whole through and begin to use whatever I can to create it, wires, clips, lights. I even find an old gameboy that I can use to control it, so I add a camera through it's eyes and some headphones in it's ears so I can hear and see. Also control, of course. Now that all the technological things are done, appearance. I decide to begin with putting the dirtied clothes on, then proceed to do the rest. The ears and eyes are already on, but the eyes arn't marble black. they're a shiny blue. ok, this may be a problem if I don't manage to fix it up. Then I paint scars, cuts, and even cut through the manican, creating a bloody hole. Now I can trick the Soul thief as well, explaining why ' he ' was really- I mean really- late getting back.

I come to the idea, I paint his lips the colour, and the eye's I remake. I get the original glass eyes out from the mahican. I use old metal to create them, creating and exact replica but black. I'm pretty proud of myself if I do say so. I then slip the camera in, and plop the eye back into the socket in the doll. Then the earphones go in, but I connect them using something that allows then to connect without being together, basically I managed to hack into the circuits and the gameboy and connected them. Weird but fascinating. 

Hair. How do I do that? 

It takes me a good couple hours to think about hair. It's got texture, everything else does but hair- you can see it.- I eventually decide, as gross and terrible as it is, to return to the clothed wolf. Now he was a plain wolf with underwear, but still. So yet again I return to the outside and allow the cold to nip at my skin. I choose to jog this time, making my way a bit slower to the dead body. I shiver and grab the scissors and knife out from my pocket. I then snip at the fur, grimacing as I do so. Once I've shed nearly all the wolves fur, I hide the animal. I cant bear to look at it any longer. Then I jog back. I then lightly glue the fur atop of the mahicans head, and paint it black. Not perfect, but not completely noticeable. After that, I remember voice. So I sneak mic into it's mouth, and just go with it.

Plan in action. I  guess it's time. I wont lie and say i'm not worried, because that would be like saying I don't train. Stupid. But I want to do this, for them, for me, for everyone. A villain needs to be stopped, and this villain is no acception. Maybe this is just the beginning of the war, but it's a big step to helping me become a victor.

Voice. Oh no. I forgot about voice. Lies. I forgot about lies. 

Just before I send it off, I write down lies. Lots of lies. But voice, how? 

I  come up with lies like I cant catch or throw daggers. Voice, I just better do my best through the mic.


Heya! next chapter is ST POV!!! 

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