Hello wounds.

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Heya sugars! So, I've been thinking, and I might do a soul thief POV. More will be down below! Also, sorry for inactivity, I couldn't really think for this chapter, idk why! Sorry!
I woke up sticky. I guess the blood soaked through. My mind feels foggy and I think rest is today. But I have to fix this first.

I clamber out of bed, and find theres still a small trickle of blood running down my back. "How have I not died from blood loss!? " I groan to myself. I walk outside and sink into the river, giving a growl of relief. I wash off everything, and remove the bandages. I then proceed to gasp. The bite has been infected, so it now is leaking puss everywhere. Bad sight, really bad sign. I rush inside, grab some pulls and a needle that says ' for puss ' my dad had a habit, thats for sure. I jab it in, giving a small squeak.

I then drain it out. This is not good. I carefully edge my way out of the water, and then grab a patch of snow, and plaster it to the multiple cuts. I find where the small blood trickle is, and try to put pressure on it. Half way between doing these, I stumble back inside my house and begin to find more bandages. I put the snow on and then wrap it up over my lesions. I then clamber into my bed, and just remember returning to the world of darkness. I need to heal, extra large training session tomorrow. I dream of a time with my parents. It wasn't a nightmare- well I thought not. - but then it drifted into the day my father died, then the day my mother died. I woke up screaming bloody murder. It was probably the worst dream ever known in my existence. It scared the living daylight out of me. I mean, honestly- you try seeing your parents loosing their souls to a demon, not exactly pleasant.

I sobbed, and then went back to sleep, this time, without a dream. Though as I sleep, ai came up with a plan, I can make things pretty well, what happens if I make a fake version of the wolf, and send it to the soul thief? I make it say my strengths, but claim they are my weakness. I let this thought consume me as I drift back to blackness.

Awaken again about midday, and find my stomach growling in hunger. I decide to get some chicken leg.

I cook the chicken over a fire, and continue to think about my masterpiece plan. The chicken Burns a bit, but it's still good on the inside. I crab it off the fire, and begin to clamber back to bed. I suck on the juicy parts, the bite into the tender meat, not to bad. It's defiantly not what bought chicken is like, is not as flavoured, but in a way it's better, because I caught it, I cooked it, etc.

A get to the bone,and find I'm quite filled. I'm no longer, tired, but my mind is giving me a splitting headache, so I decide to read. I grab my favourite book from when I was a child, " titled under the willow of wonder " and begin to read. It's quite long, so it should get me through the day. I try to clear my mind, but I can't. It's still a bit foggy, but I can still have some memory of the night. If I don't remember it all, a dream will tell me anyway.

I get halfway through the book, and I'm bored. So much for a good Friday. But I told myself I have to stay in bed. Or in the cottage anyway. Though boredom is overtaking me, I need something to do. After a lot discouragement from the good side of my mind to keep me calm and some-what joyful, the bad side wins. I slowly life the bandages- more like tear them apart viciously- of my skin to look. The trashes on my back, and face aren't to bad, but my arm and leg aren't the best. It's not blood poisoning, but there's still A LOT of puss. As well as that it's bruised all around the edges, cause a hit of discomfort. I decide to get some pills my dad labelled " sleep and soft, stop some puss " My dad was so weird, but at least it was clear what the meds did. I put the. In my mouth and swallow, then proceed to add some herbs on the bites for good measure, and comfort. After I decide to wrap it back up, to keep infection out. I then find I'm tired,- I guess dads pills did help- and jump back into bed to rest my head back down and sleep.

I dream of what happened, and then the few things I didn't remember. It turns out I remembered nearly everything, it was only really when he morphed, and how I got all the scratches. As well as the location. Then ai dream about my plan again, I know I can pull it off, but when? My brain then decides to switch off again and I return to sleep, sleep in pitch black that is without having a thought.

I wish I could continue to sleep, but by the time I'm awake again it was from a nightmare. But ai had to sleep again, first off;
- it was only 00:30.
- I needed rest.
- It was cold, and I could get sick.
- I was just tired.
So I really did want to rest, but as much as I hate to admit it, I was still a bit afraid of the nightmares that followed after lights out. It wasn't like the fear I had when I was a kid, but more like the occasional fear a teen or an adult might feel from a strange incident or just the occasional dream where they loose everyone they love. I honestly don't know. But no matter what I want, I needed to sleep. So I clambered out of bed and went to get some leaves. A remedy my mother used, mashed oak leaves. As well as that, ai got some my dads sleeping pills just inc axe my. Others idea didn't work. I knew I wanted to sleep.

After mashing the leaves and putting the pills on the side next to my bed, I clambered and filled my nostrils with the sent of leaves. I put them in steamed water, so I was hot, but that was good, because hot makes you sleepy, and the leaves defiantly did something. Soon I found that I dozed off again, but I was happy about that, considering I did want sleep and rest, especially if I wanted to do extra training tomorrow,- well technically later considering it was just early morning- .

I awoke to the sound of rain pattering against the light tin roof I had move my head. So much for extra training. There wasn't going to be any training by the looks of things. Oh well, at least I tried my best to succeed.


Ok, so about the ST ( soul thief, I might do this a lot ) POV. I'm thinking of doing it when her plan is in action, so the ST's POV will be him collecting the info. Comment your ideal on the subject please!
- luv you all,
Jana Xx

 Comment your ideal on the subject please!- luv you all,                        Jana Xx

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