Hunting down

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" I cant believe we're doing this. " I mutter to Etro.

" I know. We are beaten up to the core by that little devil, and here we are, meant to catch a person ho will actually worship and work for our dear boss. " 

" I know, he's being so stupid. Honestly " I say, chucking.

Suddenly we both burst into a fit of laughter, which shocks me. I haven't laughed this hard since I was a mere child. 

" Come on now, we better get this done quick. " I say, still grinning while helping Etro back up.


We get down to the village, and yet again, everyone flees. Some stare at us, wondering what happened, and I guess some people know, because I hear a few cries, saying things like

" Kaity's going for it! "


" Kaity's actually doing this? "

but then I notice, not only is she popular, and it's clear everyone knew she would do this, I saw, written on Etro's cast, a little message.

" Oh Etro, I hope you DON'T get better soon, because If I see you again, I will kill you, and nobody will save you. So stay out my way, before you are all dead. "

I make an annoucement, silencing everyone.

" It is clear, a few people are aware of what has happened. " I shout. " But we have some records to set straight! " I nod to Etro.

" First of, We caught Kait, these injuries were sustained from her attempting to escape. " He nods back to me.

" I was first to sustain injury, for I went into her cell, And she found a way to bring pain to me. " I bow down in shame " I feel her pain, and so she beat herself up. After I awoke after being unconscious, I went over to examine her, and she awoke. She broke my nose. Then clawed at my ankles, and pulled muscles in my knee. " I look in front of me again 

" and then, she nearly killed herself, I felt pain from that to. " I nod to Etro.

" after she is put in the hospital, I go in to give her pain medication. As I go near, she bites my hand, nearly all the way through. " He unwraps the gauze, and to my horror I see nearly a medium sized chunk of his hand missing. 

" I went out to get more, and then... " he nods to me again.

" I went in, and she beat me, She held me in a throat lock after, and Etro saved my life. "

" Afterwards, I went in to give her another drug on another day. " he sighs. " She somehow hit my hand, causig the syringe to drop. " he sighs. " She used to smashed glass to set herself free, and then she beat me. She twisted my arm, snapping it, and then she dumped the bed on me. I nearly died. " He sighs, and I speak again.

" Those who wish vengeance against Kaity, stay. Others, go now before we kill you. " I shout.



I stay. I stay because I seek vengeance against Kaity.

" Name? " One of the men speak.

" Hadrian. " 

" I'm Etro, my partner is Extren. Reason for joining us? "

I gulp and reply.

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