When a fateful hunting trip goes awry, Ariella Tularyn, the only daughter of the Duke of Glassbarrow, is granted her lifelong wish of traveling beyond her isolated home - at the price of losing someone she loves. Cast suddenly into the web of Unseel...
None of the art is mine; I am only including it as a sort of bonus feature to the story. This art is found online, so I don't necessarily always know the original source, though when I do, I do my best to give credit to the original artists. Feel free to skip the image credits at the end.
By the way, a side note - I did make the cover. It's meant to be sort of like the covers of the original book series and the images I used were also found online and do not belong to me, either!
Anyway, enough of that. Please enjoy the artwork :)
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1) The ice wyrm, Icedagger Peak
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2) The Duke of Glassbarrow
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3) Glassbarrow Village
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4) Crystalia Tularyn, Ariella's mother
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5) The city and palace of Tir Na Nog
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6) Ariella Tularyn
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7) Wind, Ariella's horse
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8) the dance between Ariella and Ash
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9) shadow wolves
That's all for now! I like to collect art for inspiration so no doubt there will be more galleries in the future. I hope you enjoyed it :)
Image credits:
1) wallup.net (not sure of the original artist but this is, as far as I can tell, the original source of the first image)