Author's Note & Playlist

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Thank you to hungergameslover12, Musinia, csdreamer, KristenLynne4, rayka30, amberdawnanonymous, Kthrn_Lpz, -serenityrose-, and Equilanora, who have supported me and this story by reading, voting, and contributing feedback. It warms my heart and makes all of this worthwhile. And another big thank you to everyone else who is reading this, who took the time to read and vote on Part 1 of The Iron Seer. I didn't plan on posting this since I was just writing it for fun and practice, but I am so glad that I did. And I certainly didn't dream of getting nearly 1500 reads. This is truly amazing, and knowing that people are reading and enjoying this work that I never thought anyone would see makes me unbelievably happy.

There are some bonus chapters following this, the beginning of the Part 2 I never finished. I apologize for all of the loose ends I left untied. Once again, thank you, and I really hope you enjoyed the book.


Here's another - yes, another - playlist for those who might be interested.

1) A Thousand Years - Christina Perri (pardon the unrelated music video and Twilight flashbacks)

2) Frozen - Sabrina Claudio

3) Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Jasmine Thompson (cover of Meghan Trainor song)

4) The Night We Met - Lord Huron

5) Premonitions - Vaults

6) Puller Return

7) (I Just)Died In Your Arms - Hidden Citizens

8) My Immortal - Evanescence

9) Hymn for the Missing - Red

10) You Again - Arstoir

11) Sally's Song - Amy Lee

12) Wherever You Will Go - Charlene Harris

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