(Bonus) Chapter 28 - The Tournament

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Why? Why send the princes to the Seelie Court with the Exchange about to happen?

I followed Rowan through the hallways of the castle until we reached the main hall. The air was thick with the chill of anticipation as a crowd of faeries milled about the throne room. I caught snippets of chatter that only increased my apprehension, sending my mind racing through possibilities.

A Thornguard approached another knight just through the doorway. "What's happened?"

"Is it true?" one goblin hissed to another.

"-with the Seelie Court!" finished a snow nymph excitedly.

Rowan sliced through the crowd, Dawon and I trailing closely behind, to the dais, where Mab was holding Court on her icy throne. I stood near the front of the crowd. My eyes quickly scanned the room, but Ash and Sage were nowhere to be seen.

"What is the meaning of this, Your Majesty?" Rowan asked as he reached the foot of the steps. The crowd hushed to listen as he spoke, though whispers still rustled through the throne room. "I was not notified in advance of any errand to the Seelie Court. The Exchange of the Scepter-"

"Calm yourself, Rowan," Mab said serenely.

He silenced himself, bowing his head. "Your Majesty," Rowan said after a moment, "as your chief advisor, I request an explanation."

"I've sent your brothers to the Seelie Court," she said. "They've already left by trod, to invite members of the Seelie Court to compete in our Tournament."

The crowd burst into gasps and exclamations of shock and awe, but were silenced when Mab resumed speaking.

"In payment for the lives they took at Bluegate, we shall take some of theirs. The final competition of this year's Tournament will be a duel to the death."

A bloodthirsty smile curled her lips.

My skin turned cold.


I met Tiaothin as I exited the throne room.

"Ari, is it true?" she gushed, the words tumbling out of her mouth in their rush to get out. "The Seelie Court coming to our Tournament-"

"Yes," I said, still numb with shock. Mab hadn't been planning war with the Seelie Court.... All along, she'd been planning this.

We both stared in stunned silence at each other for a moment.

Then her face broke into a toothy grin. "How exciting!"

"Except that the final competition will be a battle to the death," I murmured.

Ti blinked her cat eyes, startled.

This broke everything we thought we knew about our covenant with the Seelie Court... the question was, how? How could we violate the anti-violence agreement of the Exchange?

Briskie landed on top of my head, twisting his tiny hands into my hair. "Oh no, Miss Ari, oh no," he said.

I agreed.

"Ari," Tiaothin said, a strange tone to her voice. I followed her gaze.

Snowberry approached, her clique in tow, smiling her vicious smile.

I stiffened as she stopped in front of me. Briskie took the opportunity to hide behind my hair. 

"Well, well," she said in greeting. "Fancy seeing you here." Alive, she didn't need to add.

"Where's your new dress, Ariella?"asked one of her sisters with a giggle that she hid behind her hand.

I didn't want to deal with them right now. Not ever again. They didn't deserve my recognition. "Come on, Ti," I said to my friend, who I could tell was about to start cursing at them.

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