Road trip: Rock Cove Beach

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"Whoa", cried Vic. She had fallen off the bed because her dad probably had made a wide turn. She got up and squinted her eyes to read 4:00 am on her alarm clock. She put her bathrobe on and limped  towards the front of the RV where she found her dad. "Hey dad", she said while sitting down and rubbing her eyes. "Hey peaches what are you doing awake at 4:00 am". "Oh I fell of the bed after the wide turn you made". "Oh sorry peaches but you should probably go back to bed since to day were stopping at Rock Cove beach". -yawn- "Well yeah but what fun will it be if I can't surf or even walk". "You can always sketch or tan or just enjoy the view". -sigh-"I guess your right..good night daddy". She leaned in and kissed him on the forehead and closed the curtain as she left.-Beep beep beep- -yawn-. Vic turned off her alarm and then threw a pillow to wake up her sister."Ahhh",Natalie said as she woke up. "Wake up sleepy head", said Vic as she limped to get her crutches. Ian and Charlie were also up but Vic's mom was still asleep so they all showered and got ready and in an hour or so the car stopped and everyone got off to eat breakfast at a diner. "Welcome to Daniel's Diner how many", asked a woman. "Six please, said the girls dad. "Right this way", she said as she escorted them to their booth. Vic, Nat and their mom sat on one side and the boys sat on the other. "So what are you gonna order", asked their mom. "I think I want pancakes", said Nat. "Me too",said Vic. "Me three",added Ian."Me four", stated Charlie. "Well then four plates of pancakes and I want an omelet", said their dad, "honey what do you want"."I think I'll get some eggs and fruit", said their mom. "Okay then", he said. They ordered and ate fast and then all jumped back in the RV and headed  for an hour drive to Rock Cove Beach. "Nat what are you gonna do first", asked Ian. "I think I'll surf and then build a sand castle". "Cool I'm totally going to surf", said Charlie as he sat down with Ian and Nat. Nat blushed, "You um surf", she said. "Yeah since I was five but I haven't done it since last summer", he said. "So Ian what are you doing", asked Charlie. "Who me well I'll probably just walk around maybe hit the waves or something". Charlie and Nat stared and then started to laugh, "Seriously Ian that you plan", said Nat. "Yeah dude some plan", said Charlie. They continued laughing. "Haha whatever have you seen Vic". "Um I think she's in the dormitory", said Nat and then continued to laugh. Ian got up annoyed from his friends and peeked by the curtain and saw Vic. She was in her bed with her leg stretched out and she had a camera. "Oh too bad I wasn't able to get many pictures of camp", she said and then placed her camera on the bed. She took the notebook and a pencil. The notebook had many names crossed out. Ian squinted and read some names. "Bobby, James...", he whispered. He wondered why she was writing names. "Maybe it's or our future kids", he whispered but then thought it was one too early and two she would never be doing that so the he decided to go inside. "Hey Vic", he said. Vic turned around and smiled, "Hey Ian what are you doing". "Oh nothing just wanted to see how you were doing",he said. "Oh me I'm fine but..", she stopped and then limped of her bed and peeked out the window. "Oh were here", she said. She grabbed her beach bag and said, "You should get ready". "Oh yeah thanks", he said while Vic went in the restroom. A few minutes later everyone was ready. The girls dad wore shorts and a shirt with some sunglasses and sandals. Their mom had a beautiful beach dress with a beach hat, sunglasses, and sandals. Nat wore her swimsuit and a short with some sandals while Ian and Charlie also wore their swimsuit with a shirt.  Vic wore a beach dress with a flower in her hair and some sandals. She carried a bag with sunglasses, sunscreen, a sketch book and a notebook and a pencil."You look great Vic", said Ian.  Vic blushed,"Thanks I like my outfit too except for the crutches". They all walked out of the parking lot and headed towards the beach. "Mom why do they call it Rock Cove Beach", asked Nat. "Well because and the very edge of the beach there's this beautiful rock cove", she said. When they got to the sand they all started to set up. Their dad along with Charlie and Ian put out four chairs a mat in front of the chairs and a beach umbrella. As their dad brought the cooler. Ian, Charlie and Nat got some money and headed out to rent some surfboards. Their dad finally sat down and wiped of his sweat, "Whoa that was some tough  work". Victoria's mom giggled, "Thanks honey for setting up". Vic sat in the middle of her parents and sighed. "Oh peaches  don't worry think of it as an adventure you'll get to know the beach better instead of being in the waves all the time", her dad said. Vic smiled weakly,"Thanks dad but I was thinking about the Annual Junior Track and Field Competition". He frowned along with her mom. "Oh sweetie don't worry it's not your fault you slipped", said her mom.Vic smirked: she remembered her parents didn't know Ian liked her, that she had kissed him and that he was the one that had broken her ankle. "Yeah yeah it's not my fault", she said. Meanwhile at the Surf rental Nat, Charlie and Ian tried to rent surfboards. "Come on were all 12 you have to let us", said Nat. They have been trying to rent boards for the past 10 minutes but the guy didn't let them. "Sorry dudes I can't let ya touch my boards unless one of your dudes that is older than like 18 like comes and like rents it himself. They gave up and ran to where Natalie's dad was. "Dad dad come quick it's an emergency",said Nat. "Whoa slow down pumpkin what's the emergency". "We can't rent surfboards without you", she said pulling him. He chuckled, "Pumpkin i told you to wait for me because I knew that you weren't allowed but instead you ran off and I just waited until you realized that you can't rent because your under age', he said, "Course I didn't think it would take this long". Nat half mad half desperate grabbed his hand and pulled him all the way to the shop. Vic giggled when she saw her desperate sister. Her mom was staring out towards the sea while she placed one hand on her stomach. "Hey mom so I'm still deciding on some names". She laughed softly,"Well don't rush a baby's name is important and you still have two months". Vic decided she was going to sit back and relaxed. About 10 minutes later Natalie and the gang were back. "Yeah finally I can surf", said Charlie. "Hey Charlie can you teach me how to surf", said Ian. "Yeah sure and you too Nat". Nat blushed, waved to Vic and carried her surfboard out to sea. Vic's dad sat down and took a water bottle. "So dad are we going to be here the whole day", she asked. "No peaches later in the day were going to take a ferry boat to tour the sites and scenes". Vic's mom smiled,"That sounds great honey but you should rest you haven't been able too since we left the girls camp". Her dad nodded and then layed down and covered his face with his hat. Her mom decided to walk around the shore so Vic made a list of what she would do, "Maybe I should walk around or...".She stopped as she saw her sister fall from her surfboard and into the water. She giggled. Charlie grabbed her hand laughing softly and then Ian joined. Nat was frustrated, "It's not that easy Ian". Charlie helped her up and then she fell again but this time on top of Charlie. "Oh sorry", she said. Vic laughed until she closed her eyes and fell asleep. "Vic Vic wake up we're leaving to the ferry",said tugging her shoulder. "Huh what", she said,"what time is it". Nat helped her up,"Around three why". "What I slept all this time", Vic said while she and her sister walked with the gang to the car. "Yup pretty much but don't worry all we did was surf", Ian said but the laughed, "well two of us the other one fell most of the time". Natalie frowned, "Hey it's not as easy as it looks". "Well I thought it was easy", Ian said. "Well Nat at least you tried", said Charlie. They all helped with the stuff except Vic witch in her case wasn't so bad and by 3:30 everyone was in the RV and were headed towards the dock. Vic changed into a shirt and some shorts dince they were going to be there for the rest of the day. She packed a camera and the journal with a pencil. "Alright everyone were here so lets get moving it's almost 4:00 and that's when the ferry takes off", said the girls mom. "Oh and everyone bring a spare clothes", said their dad. "Why would we need spere clothes Vic", asked Nat. "I don't know". They all left and boarded the ferry boat wich was fairly big to a normal ferry. Someone showed them to a room with three beds and a tiny terrace. "Daddy why are we in a room", asked Vic. "Well peaches we decided that for the rest of today and tomorrow were going to stay here as part of our trip". "Whoa that's so cool", said Charlie and Ian. They all smiled and then decided to go and explore the ferry. "I wonder what cool things the ferry has", said Vic as she headed with Nat out the door. "Yeah I hope it's magical here", said Ian to Charlie. "Yeah okay", he said as they left.  

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