A new journey

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The birds chirped from outside the window as the sun filled the room. The room with two girls sound asleep on last week of june. The upcoming weeks were somewhat busy for the girls
 One of them was going to be operated and a friend of theirs was leaving.-Beep beep beep- Vic got up and turned off the alarm that read 7:30 and then layed back down. "You know we should get a new alarm clock that one is getting annoying", said Natalie as she climbed down the ladder. "You always say that about every alarm clock", said Vic smiling. She got up and both girls made their bed got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning girls", said their mom. "Hi mom", they both said. Their dad as usual was cooking. The girls sniffed the air, "Mmm pancakes". The girls sat down as their dad served them their pancakes and ate quickly. "Why the rush girls"asked their mom. -gulp-"Sorry mom but Ian is leaving today and we promised to help at 8:00". "Oh right we'll go by later to say goodbye", her mom said. They finished and washed their dishes quickly and in less than 1 minute they had their shoes on and were already by the door. "By mom by dad", said Vic. She closed the door and speed walked to Ian's house. "Hi Ian", they said. "Hey guys you can help me with my boxes inside my room", he said showing them inside the house. Vic hadn't really been inside Ian's house. She like how everything was placed and the colors that the house was painted. When they went inside his room she felt weird. They all picked up boxes and went down the stairs multiple times. Vic dropped off a few boxes before stopping. She was tired so she sat down on the couch and stared at the fireplace in front of her. -Sigh- She wondered about that girl Ian had told him. Nat interrupted her thoughts saying they were stopping for lunch. "Lunch", she thought, no wonder she was tired they have been at it for four hours. They all sat on the floor and ate sandwiches Ian's mom had made. After lunch the pickup truck arrived so they all started to load the boxes and appliances. Most of the boxes and appliances fit but some boxes were stuffed in the minivan Ian, his sisters and his mom were taking. It was  3 when the finished and by then Vic and Natalie's parents had arrived to help. Everyone was outside talking except Vic who decided to check if there were any boxes left. She looked around and the only thing she found was a frame with a picture and a piece of paper inside Ian's room. She picked it up and stared at the picture. It was a picture of her with Ian. Then she picked up the piece of paper and read it.

Vic is really nice. She kinda cute and funny but should I ask her out? Maybe I should I mean she never really talks to me and well valentine's day is coming up. I think I will write a note. I'll work on it tomorrow.

 The note had the date February 12th 2015. Vic read it again and again. That was the year she noticed Ian liked her and this was probably a journal entry he had written. The picture she remembered was taken at his birthday party in April. She wondered why the picture and the note were there just on the floor. "Did he leave it there on purpose", she wondered. In that moment she heard footsteps, she took both objects and threw them out the window. They were safe there and since his window viewed towards the back she would just get it later. Natalie opened the door and smiled, "There you are what are you doing here", she asked. "Oh um me you know just checking if anything was left behind but I didn't find anything", said Vic as they both walked downstairs. Ian and his family were set and ready to go so it was finally time to say goodbye. The girls parents started saying that they wish them the greatest of luck in their new home and that we will miss them all. Then Natalie said that she had a great time being friends with Ian and that he would miss him and his family and promised to write as soon as possible. Vic never imagined that she would have to say goodbye so soon. His parents started to get in the truck while Natalie and her parents helped and Ian faced Vic alone. -Sigh- "Ian I just wanted to say that I loved being your friend and thank you for everything", she said but she knew she had so much she wanted to tell him but her mouth didn't let her so that was the only thing that came out. "Yeah and I'll miss you thanks for um bring my girlfriend for 2 two hours". They laughed and then Ian joined his family in the van and left. They all stared until they disappeared and then headed home. "Oh um I'll catch up I forgot something in the back", said Vic. They nodded and then she ran to the back to grab the photo and the note. She stared at it and thought how many great things she did with Ian before it all ended. She ran back home thinking what would come next.

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