Part 3

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When I was ready, I got my parents to drop me off at Adrien's place. From there we decided to go pick up Marinette. I directed the driver to the Dupain's bakery and knocked on the door.

I heard several crashes and winced a little. Did Marinette fall down the stairs again? But she answered the door looking relatively OK so she was probably fine. I led her to the Aggreste's limousine and showed her inside.


Marinette clambered into the limousine and I was shocked. Wow, she never looks this pretty at school. She reminds me of Ladybug.

Marinette looked up at me and blushed causing me to turn my gaze down to the floor to hide the blush I felt creeping up my neck.


Seeing Adrien dressed up in a tuxedo shook up all the butterflies in my stomach. Really, he couldn't get much hotter, could he? I tried to act all elegant but I almost tripped when getting into the limousine. I must look terrible. Adrien can't even look at me.

I sat down opposite him and next to Nino who was fiddling with his camera. I pretended to take a slight interest, if only to distract me from Adrien.

Nino suddenly pointed the lens towards me and I flinched. "Hey, watch it!"

"Haha, sorry, I just wanted a tester photo before we go in."

"Next time, a little warning, please?"

"Of course," he said. "May I?"

"Sure," I replied, repositioning myself for the camera. The flash went and Nino fiddled a little with the picture before showing it around.

"Looking good, girl!" Alya exclaimed from her seat next to Adrien, who remained silent. I smiled, willing him to notice me but he stayed distant for the rest of the journey, only stirring to get up when we arrived.

Masquerade Dance Party ~ a Miraculous Ladybug one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now