First to fall.

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Glenn sits alone on his couch, and stares at the T.V, his long button shirt covered his cuts on his arm.

He flips channels, and then his Doberman, Toby, begins to bark vigorously, and he goes to investigate.

He approaches the patio doors, glancing through close enough, his hot breath sticks to the surface, fogging up the glass. He sees nothing, and steps out, still finding Toby barking in the cool July night air. There's silence, except for Toby.

He glances the yard, and sees nothing. He tells Toby to be quit, and goes back inside. He shuts the door, and turns the lock. He goes back to watching T.V, until Toby goes back to barking. And he goes back to the door, unlocking it, and goes outside again.

"Toby, I told you"... He cuts mid-sentence, as He stares at a robed figure, holding Toby's lifeless corpse in the figures hand. He drops the dog, the chain clinks to the pavement.

The figure turns to face Glenn, who is beyond terrified to move. And Glenn is terrfied to see the figure wearing the same outfit he wore the night Lacy had died. He didn't even have time to realize the fact he threw the outfit out not long after his questioning.

The figure wears a giraffe mask, just like the one he wore that night, Lacy died. The figure holds a pickaxe, the curved blade reflecting from the patio lights.

The figure tomahawks the pickaxe at him, and Glenn sprints back to the house, and slams the door, as the blade cuts through the glass like butter, throwing shards across the wood-panaled floor, and falls.

Glenn runs into the kitchen, and runs toward the garage door, only to see the figure looking at him through the glass, in which slams the blade through the glass of that door as well.

He reaches through, and flips the lock, Glenn rushes through the basement door, closing it behind him. As he ascends the stairs, he hears heavy boots stop at the base of the stairs, seeing the shadow of the figures boots from the crack of the door.

Alone, and Terrified, he scurried around shelves, and desks, looking for a place to hide.

The door forcefully opens, and the figures shadow reflects off the wall, as he gets close to the bottom of the steps.

Glenn hides behind a shelf, and the corner of the wall. The figure lurks near, and Glenn tries to be quit as possible, and the figure flips a table off it's legs, and searches underneath. Glenn darts from his hiding place, and tips a nearby shelf over, landing against a desk, it spews the shelfs contents all over the floor.

The figure quickly moves around the desk, as Glenn gets to the staircase, the figure grabs Glenn's leg, and pulls him to the bottom, but Glenn kicks him in the gut, instantly freeing him from the figures grip.

He rushes up to the stairs again, but the figure was faster, and grabs him, this time He throws Glenn over the railing, falling into a shelf, which fall's with his weight.

Glenn tries to crawl away, but the figure slams the pickaxe into his leg, and drags him back toward him. He screams in agony, as the figure leaves the curved blade through his leg.

He pulls the pickaxe out, and points the blade at Glenn, who looks back in terror, and screams.

The figure release his grip, and the pointed blade slices into his neck, and blood begins to instantly pool, As his neck gushes blood.

The door upstairs opens, and hears Glenn's moms worried tone.

"Glenn? Glenn, baby? Are you here? What happened to the door"? She looks around, and sees the basement door opened. She thinks he might be down there getting something, when she gets to the bottom, she can only scream at the bloody mess her son lays in.

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