past revisted.

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She drives straight to the police station, and parks the car in the visitor lot. She gets out, and enters the station.

She enters a petite waiting area, lined with stainless steel chairs, and a TV playing the "Ellen DeGeneres show".

"May I help you"? The woman at the desk asked. She wore a lavender colored dress, with black slacks, and a emerald green locket around her neck. She looked like she should have been working the library instead.

"I'm looking for sheriff Burrows"? She glances to see if maybe he's behind the desk.

"Are you Nina Cortez"? Nina nods. "He's been expecting you". She walks around to the office door, and leads her down a small hallway lined with wheelchair accessible railings on both sides. They come to a stop in front of a wooded door, with 'Burrows' written on the glass frame. The desk lady knocks, and a somewhat younger man in a police uniform opens the door.

"You called me, I'm Nina Cortez". He obliges, and Lets her in.

"Have a seat". He positions to the soft vinyl chairs, and they look pretty comfy. She took a seat.

"Thanks". was all she could say.

"Coffee"? He asked.

"That's be great". He goes over to the file cabinet, and poured coffee from the pot that sat on top of it. "Here". He hands her the cup.

"Am I in trouble, or something"? She wanted to get the hard part done with first.

"No. I'm still running the Lacy Harrison case, and I have narrowed it down to foreplay. We found one of the doors to a fire exit rigged so it wouldn't open, and we spoke to her father, and said she worked at a studio, with a man".

"You mean chase, Her co-worker"?

"Yeah". He had been labeled a suspect, and we can't get into contact with him".

She sighs in relief. "I haven't seen him since that night". She sips some of her coffee.

"Do you know where he lives"? He looks at her with questioned eyes.

"No. I only knew him from the station". She finishes her cup, and throws it away.

"Alright Mrs Cortez, that's all I wanted you to come here for". He holds his hand out and shakes it. "Nice to meet you".

"Likewise". She grabs her keys, and walks out of the office. As she left, she had that feeling of being watched. Like all the cops had their eyes on her, Like they knew her secret. But that's ridiculous, she was safe here, wasn't she?

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