Morgan's regret.

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She approaches Lacy's house, it was the one year anniversary of the night Lacy died. Morgon slowly drives her S.U.V, looking at the house. Lacy's room was on the second floor, front.

Her window mocks Morgon, and feels like Lacy is glaring at her through the glass. She didn't stop, she couldn't face Lacy's parents. Not after knowing it was their fault Lacy died. She had taken part of the prank.

She sped up to the speed limit, heading to her work. She worked at a small restaurant, near downtown.

She reached a small little building where flower beds underline the front windows, And the back opens up into a enclosed alleyway. Lined with closed business that just couldn't make it, and ends with a bricked-in wall.

She parked her car by the entrance. She locks her door, and enters the employee entrance. She gets dress in her waitress outfit, and enters the eating floor, tying her white apron on.

"Hey". An attractive black haired guy said from behind the counter.

"Hey Travis. Has it been busy today?" she finished tying her apron.

"We've been busier". He smiles As he takes Martha Rudder, the Liberian over by celery flats, order. Celery flats is a small park/town, with a general store, a library, and one cemetery.

"She waves to Martha, a sweet old Lady, traveling around with her small Corgi, Diana.

"How are you liking working here"? She asked Morgon.

"Its work. Boss is nice, Travis is fun to work with ."She sees him smiling. "Its actually relaxing".

" I'm glad you like it". She grabs her plate of food and excuses herself to eat.

As the time passes by, the day got slower, and dies down around night time.

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