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"Morgon, will you take the garbage out? I would, but I'm taking these last four orders"! Travis yells from the front.

"Yeah." She puts her cigarette out and grabs the bag from the garbage bin. She ties it up, and goes out the back entrance. Leaving the door open, opened against the wall of the building.

She hears a clunk, like someone kicked a soup can, and she quickens her pace to the garbage bin. The overhead light barely lit the alleyway.

She tosses the bag into the giant green bin. And turns to go back inside. She only stares in terror as the killer steps out from behind the opened door, and blocks the path from safety. The door slowly clicks shut.

The only place to run, is down the alleyway. She sprints as fast as she can in her waitress heels. The baby blue dress harshly swaying with her movement's. She runs to all the doors, rattling the handles, only to find them locked.

She frantically runs till she hits the brick wall. She searches for anywhere she could use to get out. She quickly sees a cracked window.

She jumps onto a cluttered covered dumpster, just as the killer rounds the corner. She pushes at the window. The water rust starts to break apart, and the window begins to move.

She gets it up the rest of the way, and crawls inside, tearing her dress, and gives Her leg a nasty gash.

Blood pools the floor, and she falls in, as the pickaxe blade smashes through the opening, and merely misses her.

She gets up, and limps, frantically searching for a place to hide. She runs into what appears to be a old office. She slams the door shut, and knocks a shard of broken metal across the door frame, locking behind the door handle, and the space behind a old file cabinet. She searches for a place to hide, and crawls under the space of the desk, holding her mouth, to silent her gasps of fear.

The door rattles forcefully, until the blade picks Its way through the frame.

She closes her eyes, trying to shut out the horrifying scene before her. Not long after, the jagged door falls from it's hinges, and crashes with a thud. The boots approach the desk, where She hides.




"Morgan"? Travis says, she gets up to see if it was really him. She was never so happy to see his beautiful face.

"the killer's here. He attacked me". Ignoring her gaping wound.

"Lets get out of here". She embraces into his arm, as he helps her to the entrance. Then the killer blocks the doorway. Twirling the pickaxe disturbingly, allowing the blade to reflect off the alleyway vauge light shining through the dusted Windows.

"Run". Like that was easy for her. She limps back as the killer tackles Travis to the floor.

"Travis, no"! She screams as the blade slams down into his back. The killer picks up Travis's limped body, with the pickaxe still through him, slams him against the wall. She quickly darts past the killer, pratically dragging her leg.

"She runs toward the exit, pushing and pulling, but the door won't budge. She turns to face the swinging of the blade, and she moves, while the blade smashes through the door frame.

She runs up a flight of stairs, up onto a catwalk. She looks down to see clusters of metal laying in a giant bin, also layered with broken window frames, and other junk. She runs to the end of the catwalk, only to meet the killer at the end.

Still screaming her lungs out, She rushes to the other side of the catwalk, hearing the clanging of the killer's steps on the grated floor. She ascends the steps, but feels a hand grab her, and pull her back up.

She looks face to face with the giraffe mask, seeing nothing but black. The killer holds her back against the railing, her breath cut short, as the blade enters her stomach. He pushes her back, and the rusty railing gives way, and she falls through, landing in the scrap bin. Metal impacts all over, through her body. He looks over the railing at his handy work. And then left without a noise. And soon after, there was only silence.

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