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She started her car, and pulled out of the parking lot. She headed down toward her work, being a little late, she sped up a little bit.

The late morning Sun started to graze the sky, making a peachy orange colored veil of light red colored clouds. She turned on some "Dead Sara" Playing 'blue was the beautiful you', and 'why are you testing my patience', and began to sing to them.

She finally reached the three story brick building she called work. She worked on fabrics, and other types of clothes. She parked her car in the employee parking lot of the east side of the building. She gets out and is met my Matt, her boss standing by the front door.

"Nina, you're late". He said, stating the obvious.

"I know. I'm sorry, I was called to the police station". He looks skeptic at her excuse, but, She never lied before.

"Just don't let it happen again. By the way, I need you to work the late shift tonight". She couldn't say no, he'd have Her do it anyway.

"Fine. She said reluctantly. Walking to her post. She was the designer coordinator. If a design came in, she gave it a yes, or a no.

It wasn't a bad job. Sitting at a desk for eight to ten hours. Tonigh it would be until mid-night.

"Hey Nina, I'm sorry about all this. I know it's a hard day for you, being the anniversary of Lacy's"... He stops his sentence, seeing Matt glaring at him. "I'll talk to you later". He quickly walks away from the desk.

"Ok Evan" She says watching him leave. She looks up to see a agitated Matt, holding a giant stack of design forms.

"I don't pay you to visit. Now, finish These by tonight." He drops the pile onto Her desk. And walks away with attitude.

"Asshole". She lightly mumbles to herself. And starts to work.

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