3. An Awful Premoniton

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A young boy rode his bike down a dark road. He's friends had gone their separate ways leaving this boy on his own. His face was not visible. It was if it did not need to be seen. The darkness of the woods beside the road cast shadows on the boy and all that surrounded him. Although the boy was familiar with his surroundings, he appeared to be anxious. Was it the darkness of the night or the crispness of the air? Or perhaps it was the fact that he was alone.

The small light on the front of his bicycle led the way down the uneven asphalt road. He soon approached a sign which read, 'Department of Energy.' A large building closed in by a fence was now on his left; the so-called 'Department of Energy.' The anxiety resided within the boy. He gripped onto his metal handlebars tighter, his knuckles going a bright white. He left out a deep, audible breath. As the night grew darker, it also grew colder. Perhaps it was because it was soon going to be winter. Still, the boy remained focused on his journey to what was assumed to be home

Suddenly, a noise sounded next to the boy, causing him to jump and tighten his grip on the handlebars even tighter, if that were possible. His heart pounded loudly in his chest and he felt his breaths become more sharp and frequent. He looked down at his handlebars for a split second but when he looked up, something was in his way. That something was a monster. The monster was thin and pale with long arms and a mouth for a face. It was a truly terrifying sight.

The boy immediately swerved out of the way, causing him to ride off of the road into the beginning of the woods. Due to this, he fell off his bike. He winced in pain before forcing himself up. He was filled with terror. He made the rash decision to leave his bike and sprinted in the direction of his house. He was scared that he wouldn't make it but then he saw it. There stood his humble abode in the darkness of the night. He ran to the door, grabbing out his key in the process and opened the door. He rushed in, his dog greeting him with a bark. He immediately slammed the door and locked it as quickly as he could. He called for his Mom but it seemed as though she wasn't around.

He then picked up his phone and tried to dial 911 but all that came out of the receiver was a static and monstrous noise. He then slammed the phone back into the wall. He peered his head around the corner to see the door unlocking. How this happened was completely beyond the boy. He rushed out of the back door and ran to the shed. The boy grabbed a gun and began to load it. His hands shaking in fear, but somehow he managed to load the gun. He took a deep breath and turned his body to the door. His pulled the gun at eye level and placed his finger on the trigger but a noise sounded above him.



"Daisy! Oh god, Daisy! Wake up!"

Daisy opened her eyes to see a very worried Pattie.
"Mom, are you okay?" she asked, rubbing her eyes in fatigue.
"Am I okay? Are you okay?" her mother replied. "I came in to see you screaming and tossing and turning in your sleep."
"Oh," said Daisy. "I just had a strange dream. I'm okay, Mom."
"Okay, Daisy. I believe you. Breakfast in ready downstairs."
Daisy nodded in response, getting out of her bed. Her Mom then left the room, leaving Daisy to get dressed into her attire for the day. She picked a simple pastel pink skirt which fell just above her knees. She then paired it with a matching white turtleneck and a fleece denim jacket. She slid on her usual Nikes along with some knee high socks.

"Daisy, honey. Jonathan's on the phone for you," Pattie called out.
"I'll be there in a second," Daisy replied, tightening her ponytail before rushing down the stairs to get to the phone.
"Hey Jonathan," she spoke into the phone, slightly out of breath,
"Hey Daisy," he replied. "Have you seen Will anywhere?"
"Will? No. He rode past our house last night on the way home from Mike's. That's the last time I saw him," she answered.
"What time was that?" he asked.
"Around eight," she said. "Is everything okay, Jonathan?"
"I don't know. When we got up this morning, Will wasn't here."
"He probably left for school early or maybe he went to Mike's or Lucas'. He's not here."
"I'm sure you're right."
"I hope you find him, Jonathan. Need picking up?"
"No, I'll be fine. I'll see you at school, Daisy."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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