1. Dark

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Blood. Blood everywhere. Blood as far as the eye can see. A strange inhuman noise sounded in the background. It was deep and echoed throughout everywhere. In fact, the body that appeared along with the noise was also inhuman. It was a pale, peachy colour with extremely long limbs and no face. It was something straight out of a comic book or a horror movie. It was the blood that had attracted it. The blood which was everywhere. The blood which was as far as the eye can see.

Everywhere was different than everywhere would normally be. It was as if everything was decaying. It was as if everything was dead. Everywhere would normally be lively and abundant with joy. This place was a complete double of the usual town of Hawkins, Indiana, the difference other than the decaying nature being the low temperature and the darkness. Dark and cold. It was only dark and cold, and dead; a breeding ground for nightmares. The blood that was everywhere and as far as the eye could see was also dark in colour and cold. It added to the horrific state of everywhere.

The inhuman being moved swiftly, dragging its long limbs with it as it searched for the source of the blood. The blood was the prey and the inhuman being was the predator. Soon enough, it reached its destination. A small child had pondered into this world. The child had fallen. As soon as the inhuman being caught sight (despite having no visible eyes) of the child, it stopped, shrieking in fear. From this moment forward, no longer was the being at the top of the food chain. There was a new predator. There was a new predator who would save this place from peril; from the darkness and coldness that left this place in ruins.

Daisy Woods, a young girl at the ripe age of sixteen awoke from her strange dream. Blood? Inhuman beings? She remained confused in her early morning state.

"Daisy, wake up!" Daisy's brother, Dustin yelled through the door. "Breakfast is ready, you idiot!"

"Shove off, Dustin!" she yelled back, groaning as she threw her head back into her pillow.

She sighed as she got out of bed, slipping on her acid wash, ripped jeans, a blue and white striped turtleneck, a denim jacket and a pair of plain white Adidas sneakers. She quickly ran a brush through her light brown curls and pushed a clip into it which matched her sea blue eyes. She picked up her backpack before throwing it over her shoulder, closing her door and running downstairs to the dining room.

Daisy sat down at the table, placing a waffle and a slice of toast on her plate.

"You seem to be in a hurry," her mother, Pattie commented.

"I've got to go see Jonathan before school," she replied, quickly scoffing down her food before rushing out of her house to her cheap car. "See you, Mom!"

"See you, sweetie."

She jammed the key into the ignition and sped away from her home in the direction of the Byer's residence. Jonathan and Daisy had been friends since they were younger. They were in fact best friends.

Upon arrival, Daisy stepped out of her car, shut the door and knocked on the Byer's door. Joyce Byers, Jonathan's mother answered.

"Oh, hi Daisy," she greeted her. "Jonathan's just in his room."

Daisy nodded, entering the household and going to Jonathan's door. Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash was blaring from his room throughout the rest of the house. Daisy opened his door and jumped onto his bed.

"Morning, Byers," she greeted him with a smile, resting back onto his bed. "Ready for another fun filled day at school?"

Sarcasm was one of the many qualities that Daisy portrayed and she manage to convey it quite well.

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