2. Tag, You're It

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"Hey Daisy," Jonathan said, trying to catch up with her as she exited the school building. "Mind dropping me home? I've got to get to work."
"Sure," Daisy replied, trailing her words before exclaiming, "Last one to the car is a rotten egg!"
Daisy sprinted off in the direction of her car with a smug look plastered across her face. Jonathan let out a loud laugh and raced after her, just beating her.
"Ha ha! I beat you, Woods."
"Whatever, Byers. It's obviously because you're way taller than me."

They got in the car and drove off in the direction of Jonathan's house. The car ride wasn't overly talkative. It was more filled with comfortable silence.
"Thanks for dropping me home," he said as they pulled up in front of the Byers' residence.
"Anytime," Daisy replied with a smile. "Have fun at work."
"Will do."
Daisy pulled out of his driveway and began to drive home. Considering not many people drove around the streets of Hawkins, especially on this side of time, Daisy found herself getting lost in her thoughts. She was still in great concern about her dream. It was unusual and nothing like she had ever dreamed before. She wondered why it stuck with her so. It was merely a dream, yet she could not let go of it.

Suddenly, something jumped out in front of Daisy's car causing her to lose control of the steering wheel for a moment. She slammed her foot down on the brake as quickly as she could, causing the car to stop. Daisy's hair covered her face messily. Her knuckles were white from gripping onto the wheel so harshly. She let out a deep sigh and slumped back into her seat. She looked up and saw something she thought that she would never see; the figure from her dream staring back at her. She squeezed her eyes shut in disbelief before opening them again.

It had appeared that her eyes had deceived her as standing before her was a deer, rather than that monster she had witnessed in her dream. Thankfully, she had narrowly avoided hitting the deer.
"Thank god," she muttered to herself.
She composed herself and look a deep breath before straightening her vehicle and driving away from the scene. Whilst keeping one hand on the wheel, she brushed her hair back into place with her other hand. Instead of getting lost in thought, she turned up her music and kept her eyes on the road.

As she turned into her driveway, she saw that no one was home yet. She turned off the engine and remained seated in her car. She felt her eyes welling up with tears and before she could control it, they broke free. She was still in fear and shock of the events that had just taken places minutes ago. She was glad that nothing bad happened but she could have sworn that she saw that thing. She was almost certain that it was the thing until she realised that it was a deer. Perhaps it was just her mind playing tricks on her. She wiped away her tears and look in her rearview mirror. Her mascara had run quite a bit. She wiped it again, this time with the back of her hand.


It was now a few days later; Sunday to be precise.
"Daisy, honey," Pattie called from downstairs. "Could you come down here for a moment?"
Daisy sighed, dropping the book that she was reading and went downstairs.
"Yes, Mom?" she asked, sitting down at the table in her kitchen.
"Your father and I are going out for a business dinner in a half hour or so. Dustin is at the Wheeler's for his Dungeons and Dragons thing. If he's not home after eight, could you please go and get him, sweetie?" her mother asked.
"Of course, Mom. You can count on me," Daisy replied.

"There's a casserole in the fridge for you and Dustin as well as some jelly for after. Remember Daisy, no boys," she explained.
"But what about Jonathan?"
"I said, no boys."

Once Daisy's parents had left, she ignored her mother's orders and called the Byers' residence. After a few rings Jonathan picked up.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Jonathan, it's Daisy. I was wondering if you wanted to come over," she replied.
"Oh, I wish I could Daisy but I've just been called in for work. I have to take over someone's shift. Reincheck?"
"Of course," she stated. "I'm sorry to have bothered you. Bye."
She hung up the phone and took a deep sigh.

A few hours later, it was eight o'clock, otherwise known as the time that Dustin was supposed to be home. Daisy slipped on some shoes and a jacket and opened the door. As soon as she stepped outside, the streetlight beside her house flickered. In fact, the next few street lights flickered as well.
"That's odd," Daisy thought, looking up at the light.
"Son of a bitch!" Dustin's voice rang through the streets.
"Dustin! Get your ass inside," Daisy joking yelled out to him. "It's getting cold out."
"Fine, Mom!" he complained back, wheeling his bike into the garage.
"Mom and Dad are out. They've left us dinner. Mom said there's also jelly in the fridge," she said as they walked into the kitchen.
She got out two plated and shoveled casserole onto both of them before putting the plates into the microwave.
"What jelly is it? Lime?" Dustin asked as he sat down at the table.
"Let me check," Daisy said as she opened the fridge. "Sorry, buddy. It's raspberry."

She got the plates out of the microwave and put them down onto the table.
"'Cause Mom and Dad aren't here, can we have a soda?" he asked, piling casserole onto his fork.
"Why not. Just be sure not to tell Mom or Dad," Daisy replied as she walked up to the fridge once more. "Pepsi or Root Beer?"
"Two Pepsi's it is."
They both began to eat their food but Daisy decided to make conversation.
"How was Mike's?" she asked.
"It was great. Our campaign lasted for ten hours! Will got killed by the demogorgon though," he replied with a mouthful of food.
"Demogorgon? What's that, a monster?" she questioned in response.
"Yeah, it's kinda like a monster," he replied. "You see, Will could either have casted a protection spell or fireballed him. To fireball him, he would have to roll a thirteen or higher but he didn't get it."
"So the demogorgon got him?"
"Well maybe you'll have to teach me how to play this game then."
"Maybe. I don't think you'd like it though."
"Try me."

Not long after the two children had indulged in a bowl full of raspberry jelly, their parents arrived home, sending the pair off to bed. As soon as Daisy went into bed, she found herself falling into a dream.

Author's Note:

Sorry that it was somewhat short. I'll try and make the chapters a little longer. Please let me know if you like the story or not, and please recommend it to others!!!

The 80s song for this chapter is... Never Tear Us Apart by INXS. If you want to request any songs, I'd love to hear them.

Also, if you'd like a character Q & A (where you ask the character's questions) be sure to let me know in the comments! Love you guys.


- Maddy :)

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