Part 1: Escape

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This can't be happening. No, it can't be real! It can't be... The Daleks are invading Galifrey, their shrill cries for genocide filling your ears. You've just watched your entire family get exterminated. They didn't have time to regenerate, they're dead. You're hiding in the ruins of what was once your house, under your bed, clothes hideously dirty, clutching your mother's sonic screwdriver. This can't be real... A tear came to your eye, the memory of your mother's cry of pain as she was disintegrated. Your father's scream of agony came next. You need to escape, but how?! Daleks are on every city block, as far as you know, you're the only Timelord/Timelady left on your block. Something pricks the back of your mind. TARDIS. Your escape plan. Your father's had a TARDIS since you were little, and he taught you how to use it in case of emergencies. That's it. That's how you'll get out! You slowly crawled out from under your bed, creeping along the ruined walls of your house. Lasers and gunfire echo in your ears. The militia must be trying to fight back. By the sound if it, they're failing, cries of "EXTERMINATE!" And shrill wails of agony full your ears. "HUMANOID DETECTED!" You turned around to find a bronze-colored Dalek, it's laser pointed right at you. Fear stabbed at your two hearts. You're so dead. "YOU ARE NOW A PRISONER OF THE DALEKS!" You had no choice but to comply with its orders. "MOVE FOREWORD OR YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!" You felt the sonic in your pocket. You chose door number three, so to speak. You whipped out your mother's sonic and and put it up to the maximum frequency level, and scanned the Dalek's eyestalk. It immediately cracked the glass and the blue light faded to black. "MALFUNCTION! VISION IMPAIRED! EXTERMINATE!" It fired its laser multiple times in random directions, all luckily missing you. You immediately ran for your life, you need to get to your father's TARDIS. A type (number), it's not the best one out there, but it'll do. It's currently disguised as a(n) (object, like a police box.) You ran to the garage, and there it was, sitting on the metal docking pad. You lowered the frequency on your sonic and used it to unlock the door. It 'clicked' and you made your way inside, dashing to the console unit and remembering what your father told you. 'First, the red button. Then the blue, pull this red lever here, and then the throttle, and you're off. Oh, and do please keep the air shields up.' You pressed the red flashing button, it beeped. Then the blue one, the time rotor started moving. Then you pulled the red lever, an the door of the TARDIS closed behind you and locked. And then the throttle, a (color) (metal) lever. You pulled it as far as it would go, and a whooshing noise came from inside the Type (number.) Weird. It doesn't usually make that noise. Then you realized it, you left the parking brake on! Oh well actually... You kind of like the sound. It shouldn't cause too much damage, right? The monitor starting beeping, and you ran to the other side of the console to check it. The Daleks found your TARDIS. Faint cries for extermination as laser fire came just outside the doors. Luckily for you, the TARDIS is indestructible, or so your father told you. You took a deep breath and sat down on the floor, crying. Your mother's last words echoing in your mind; 'Run, (Y/N)! We love y--' More and more tears fell as your TARDIS vanished into the Time Vortex.

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