Part 4: Your Test

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"Thank you for your assistance in the matter, (Y/N). I will be expecting you." Yellow Diamond has called you down to her room for... A test, of some sort. She claimed it was to prove your regeneration abilities are functional. You closed out of the video communicator she had so generously given you and were escorted into your Diamond's building by the Jasper from earlier. Except this time, you didn't have cuffs on your wrists. She dropped you off with Yellow Diamond and left without a word. "M-my Diamond, I have arrived." You said nervously. You were more familiar with this place, but knowing that if you mess up ONCE, it may be the end of you. It put you on edge. Yellow Diamond's chair spun around and she herself looked down at you, seemingly pleased.
"Hello (Y/N). Are you ready to commence with testing?" She asked you.
"Y-Yes, My Diamond." You replied. The Pearl you saw from earlier in the day wheeled in a gurney with... A cracked gem. What happened to it?! You grew very sorrowful, you had no idea how to react. A look of melancholy swept across your face as fast as a road runner. "(Y/N), if you can show us, show ME that you can restore this gem, we will forever be in your debt." You looked at the cracked gem nervously. You felt genuine sorrow for it. "Of course my Diamond." It still felt weird saying that even though you aren't a gem. You knew what you had to do. You aren't even sure if you're old enough to be able to use regenerative energy. You're only (your age) after all. You popped your knuckles and shook your dominant hand back and forth in the air, flicking your wrist. Your hand suddenly began to glow yellow, and it felt very warm. It was as if a small flame had consumed your hand. Yellow Diamond sat up in her chair, surprised. You placed your hand on the cracked gem, and it instantly healed. You gasped and pulled your hand off to find the gem in perfect condition, and already reforming! You tried to stop your hand from glowing by telling it 'It's okay, it's safe, it can stop now.' You imagined a very cold place. It gradually stopped glowing. Cool. The no-longer cracked gem glowed as bright as the sunset, you had to close your eyes briefly. It formed the body of a common Ruby soldier. You had met a couple during your wait to be informed of the test. They seemed nice. Anyways, this Ruby's gem was in its eye. It looked at you, and with a semi-raspy voice, she said;
"Thank you." You smiled. "It was no problem at all, the pleasure was all mine." Yellow Diamond was pleased. "Well done (Y/N), you have well exceeded my expectations." You felt... Happy. Happy to be appreciated instead of attempted to be killed. Yellow Diamond reminds you so much if your mother... No. Not now. You've already been through this with her. The Ruby hopped off the gurney and went back to work, wherever that 'work' was. Most likely guarding your TARDIS. Yellow Diamond held her hand down to you, to which you gleefully stepped on. She held you up to her head height. "Now that you have proven your ability to regenerate, you are now able to assist the gemkind of this planet. I assume you know in what ways." She turned her chair around, and faced her computer screen. You turned around to face it. "This footage was taken on a planet called 'Earth.'" The screen showed a video of two DIFFERENT gems fusing together in front of Blue Diamond to make... Something entirely new. You didn't even know that could happen... How is it possible? "We have been fighting to take it and use it for a powerful gem colony for hundreds of years. As I've mentioned before, our most powerful Rose Quartz betrayed us and started protecting that miserable planet." Yellow Diamond sounded disappointed. In spite of her annoyed expression, she kept her calm, somewhat soothing tone. "She was the only one able to restore gems to their original state. But now we have you. This is your first mission." Your hearts practically exploded out of your chest with excitement. Your first mission!!!!

A few days later...

You walked with Yellow Diamond to your TARDIS, with a new sword in its scabbard on your belt. Many gems walked behind you. You walked towards the docking bay, where, according to Yellow Diamond, your TARDIS had been moved to. You were going to take your ship to Earth and fly it among the Diamond's fleet. You were ecstatic when you first heard about it. Getting to fly with the Diamonds? Probably the best thing you'll get to do in life. You made it to the docking bay, and goodness, it was HUGE. It looked like something you'd find inside the Death Star! The ceiling itself was at skyscraper level. You strode in and looked around with awe. Blue Diamond had already set up her palanquin, which you had learned was her personal vessel. All the Diamonds had one. Yellow Diamond herself had a large Diamond shaped pod she used for traveling. You saw White Diamond, who you really wanted to talk to. She was pretty funny the first time you met...

"So Yellow, this is the Timelord/Timelady you found?"
"Of course it is."
"They're so... Tiny from up here. Come on up kiddo."
"Heh, you're not afraid of heights, are you?"
"I find that hard to believe. Very hard. You could even say..."
"White please don't."
"Hard as Diamond."

You chuckled at the thought. Good times. You looked up at Yellow Diamond and asked if you could talk to her again. She said yes. You quickly rushed there just as she was sitting down in her ship. It was basically a giant throne with a projector shield around it. She caught sight of you and waved. "Hello (Y/N). How you doing, kiddo?" You smiled. "I'm fine, I can't wait to go and stop the rebels with you!" You said ecstatically. Unknown to you, little diamonds formed in your eyes. White Diamond chuckled. "That's the spirit. Hurry now, we will be leaving shortly. Thank you for your presence." You beamed and nodded. "Goodbye White Diamond! I'll see you there!" "You too kiddo." You walked back towards your Diamond, who was waiting by your TARDIS. She kneeled down to you and kept herself upright with her toes only. "(Y/N), are you sure you still want to do this? You don't have to if you don't want to..." You didn't give a second thought. You just wanted to help. "I'm sure. I'll do anything for you, my Diamond." You said. Yellow Diamond chuckled lightly and stroked your hair with her finger.
"That's my (Y/N). Now be careful. These rebels have weapons the likes of your kind has never seen."
You nodded.
"I understand. I'll see you on Earth."
"As will I."
You walked into your TARDIS and shut the door, waving goodbye to Yellow Diamond as you did. You turned on the exterior camera and watched on the screen attached to the console unit. "All squadrons ready?" You heard your Diamond said. "B army, standing by." Blue Diamond said. "W army, standing by." White Diamond said. "My army is ready. Let this mission commence." You heard a bunch of ships start to turn on. This was so cool, it was like watching the title sequence for your favorite show come on, the anticipation to get into the episode is the same feeling you are having right now. Since you didn't know where Earth was, you would have to fly the TARDIS manually. Luckily, you figured it out a couple days ago. You looked at the monitor and saw Blue Diamond's ship already leaving the bay. You put manually flight mode on, and the whooshing noise started. You used a joystick on the side of the console as a steering wheel and looked at the monitor the help guide you outside. Somehow, your view wasn't spinning like you thought it would. Your TARDIS lifted up into the air, and out of the docking bay into space. Suddenly, you heard something come through the TARDIS intercom. It was White Diamond. "Take these. They're the coordinates to Earth. Forgot to give them to you." A beep sounded from the console. "Gee, thanks White Diamond!" You said. "No problem kiddo. Oh, and don't forget to set the time." You did that, and pulled the throttle. Another unique whooshing noise sounded over and over again. You dematerialized into the time vortex, and waited to materialize at Earth, wherever it is.

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