Part 3: Getting Situated

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(A few minutes after the last chapter)
Yellow Diamond was pleased. She put you back on the ground and began typing away on her screen, ordering the requirements for housing an organic being. After a few minutes, you only just realized how hungry, and tired you were. Your stomach started rumbling. Yellow Diamond turned her head to look at you. "Are you going to regenerate?" She asked worriedly. "N-no, not yet, but I will if I don't get food soon..." You said sheepishly. Gems don't need to eat, so she must think very low of felt very ashamed at your pathetic weakness. "I understand." Yellow Diamond said. "Pearl, go make arrangements for (Y/N) to have his/her lunch." Her Pearl immediately stood up, and walked out of the room. How did she know...? Why did the gem Homeworld even HAVE food? "I can see that you are confused." Yellow Diamond said. "Worry not, a Sapphire warned us of this weeks ago." You let out an internal sigh of relief. Whatever food they had, it probably wouldn't be anything like you've had on Galifrey. With your parents... You started to tear up, remembering all of the happy times with them... Why do they have to end? You tried to force yourself to stop crying, but you couldn't help but shed a couple tears as you remembered your last words to them before they... '(Y/N), we love you, and we don't want you to get hurt. Please, just hide in your room. They won't find you in there.' 'Okay... Be safe, please mother...' 'It's alright (Y/N), we'll be fine.' 'Goodbye mother, father.' The scene of your parent's deaths played over and over in your mind, like a broken record, or a scratched up CD. "(Y/N)?" Yellow Diamond asked. "Your emotional state is declining rapidly. Is something the matter?" Where do you even begin? "Y-yes, my Diamond. I-I-I can't help it, I-I'm sorry... You must think very low of me..." You wanted to fly away in your TARDIS and vanish into the vortex. "(Y/N)..." Yellow Diamond said. Her voice was very welcoming, and kind. It just made you want to cry more. "M-my parents..." You continued, despite your mind telling you to stop. "My creators... D-Died right in front of me... I miss them so much..." You fell to your knees and covered your eyes. Your mother's and father's faces kept showing up in your mind. "(Y/N)... I... Understand why you're upset." Yellow Diamond said. How? How could she understand? Gems don't have parents... Do they?
"A long time ago, before you arrived..." Yellow Diamond took a deep breath. "That Rose Quartz I showed you earlier... She SHATTERED one of our own... Pink Diamond." She barely managed to choke out. Perhaps Yellow Diamond isn't so heartless after all. Here she is, getting all emotional. You didn't even think it was possible. She held out a hand to you, to which you gladly stepped on, and lied down, curling up into a little ball and weeping. "It will be alright." Yellow Diamond reassured. "You'll be okay."
After a few minutes of silence, you decided to say something. "T-thank you my Diamond. I feel better now." She lumbered her arm down to the floor, and set you down. Her Pearl had finally returned, with news of your 'lunch' plans. What time was it, anyways? Do gems even have a way to track time? Surely they must, how else would they organize events such as this? Yellow Diamond actually stood up from her chair. She started taking big, hulking footsteps towards her Pearl, and they shared a brief converse. Yellow Diamond soon turned towards the door. When you didn't follow right away, she motioned for you to come with her. You sped walked to her side, wondering where you were going. To lunch, possibly? You started to think about whether or not a gem has eaten, ever. You walked out into the metallic street, and a lot of eyes turned your way. Everyone started doing some sort of salute-thing with their hands, making a Diamond with their arms. You decided to try it out, it wasn't too hard. You looked up at your Diamond, and she seemed to be expecting you to do that. She tuned her gaze from you to straight ahead. She walked down the block, and you followed, having to speed-walk in order to catch up. You passed your TARDIS, it was being guarded by five Ruby guards. Though you would never admit it, they all looked kind of cute, like miniature toy soldiers. Eventually, you made it to a sort of taller building, it was actually a lot like Yellow Diamond's, but it was colored blue. Could it be...? You walked to the door, and Yellow Diamond seemed to press a button on the side, but it was as if it was integrated into the wall. Like, she put her finger on the wall, and a light blue circle lit up. This is such a cool planet. A VERY large door opened up, and Yellow Diamond strode through. This building, unlike Yellow Diamond's, had a Diamond on the first floor instead of the last. Blue Diamond sat on a crystalline, or perhaps metal, throne/chair I the middle of the room. Her blue robe cloaked her eyes, so you couldn't tell her expressions. She did seem very calm, however, despite seeing an organic being walking along side a Diamond. You remained calm and waited for instructions. Yellow Diamond walked along towards Blue, and it was at this point you realized the floor... Was water. But how? You, luckily, were standing on the very edge of the last bit of blue chrome solid floor. You put the tip of your shoe in, it cut straight through the glistening liquid like Excalibur and the stone. Yellow Diamond made it to the other side of the sparkling pool, and seemed to whisper something to Blue Diamond before turning back to you. Blue Diamond seemed to know what was wrong right away. "Focus your mind on walking forward. Do not imagine sinking, imagine there is solid ground in front of you." Her voice was so calm, and soft like silk. If it was able to have a physical manifestation, it would be the comfiest mattress in the universe. You looked at the pond before you. You close your eyes, and imagined the water freezing up, and turning into a thick layer of ice. You stepped forward, and to your surprise, there was solid ground in front if you. You gasped, but didn't dare open your eyes. You took another step, and another, until you bumped into something. You immediately opened your eyes to see Blue Diamond staring down at you from her chair. You had bumped into her fOOT YOU'RE SO DEAD. Luckily, Blue Diamond was kind, and merely chuckled, probably the first twinge of emotion she's had since Pink Diamond was... "You have quite the prize here, Yellow." Blue Diamond said. You guessed that only the Diamonds had informal names. "It literally flew in with its ship, and it's already accepted me as it's Diamond." Are they going to have a conversation while you're starving? Oh dear... Well... You probably COULD go another day without food... But after that you might have to regenerate. Blue Diamond seemed to know exactly what you were thinking, because she looked to Yellow Diamond with a grave expression behind her cloak. "When has this... Timelord/Timelady last had a meal?" Yellow Diamond's face flushed. "I do not have that information... That is what we are here for. (Y/N)?" You instinctively turned towards your Diamond. "When was the last time you've eaten?" "Technically, for you, it was thousands of years ago, but for me, it was three days ago." Yellow Diamond raised an eyebrow. "Time travel." Blue whispered, and she changed back to her usual expression. "Of course. We must get them something to consume. Immediately. One of your Sapphires predicted that we store ingredients for... (Favorite food.)" YES. (FAVORITE FOOD.) FINALLY. You were going to eat like a savage when you get it. Okay maybe not in front of your and Blue Diamond. Speaking of her, she had stood up, and bent down, holding a hand to you. You looked to your Diamond, to make sure she was okay with it. She nodded at you and urged you to step on. You did, and were hoisted up. Blue Diamond held you up to get a closer took at you, and raised her other hand up. A giant finger stroked your head. You didn't really know how to react, so you blushed. Blue chuckled and started walking towards the other side of the room, a door opened. There seemed to be some kind of palanquin sitting in a field. Where was this...? Blue took you over to the structure and set you down on the arm of another throne inside. There, a Pearl walked in and had (favorite food) on a silver platter. You wondered where Yellow had gone. Probably back to her building. Blue Diamond thanked her Pearl and lifted the plate up to you. You were about to sit down in the floor when a metal chair had somehow formed behind you. You just chocked it up to alien technology. A table formed in front of you next. It was like liquid metal bending and molding into form from the throne. Blue Diamond set your food down on the table. You were about to grab at the food, then realized, shouldn't you have a knife and fork/spoon? Worry not, those formed from the liquid metal as well. You immediately began to devour you meal. You tried to be polite about it, really, but you were just SO HUNGRY. In no time, you had finished and wiped your face with a napkin, also made of that liquid metal thing. Gallium, perhaps? No... If that were the case the table would have melted... Actually to be fair it is a bit chilly on this planet... Whatever. You looked to Blue Diamond to find her watching you with a fist on her chin, like she was thinking. She was smiling. You don't really know what to do, so you smiled back. "You should get yourself some new clothes. If you are to serve Yellow, you need to be in proper uniform." You nodded slowly. At least these new clothes would be CLEAN. Blue Diamond stood up and took you in her hand out of the field and into another room. It was very green, and chrome, like EVERYTHING on this planet. It seemed to be something of a clothing store, but it smelled like burning tires. Lots of arches in the wall, spewing steam, and out came some clothes. Some had a Yellow Diamond on them, some a Blue, and a few White Diamonds were there too. "This facility was made for new gems to get proper designation to whom their Diamond is. We give them access to these clothing articles, and they mimic them onto their bodies the next time they reform. Then, after the design has been made and copied, it is burned, and recycled." So that's what the burning smell was. "Pick any one you desire." Blue Diamond set you down, and you looked around at all the holes. They were covered by a sheet of glass, and steam spewed out of the side every now and then. You saw an outfit that spoke to you, and pointed to the hole it was in. It had a Yellow Diamond symbol, making it official. Blue Diamond opened the glass door for you, and took the uniform out. It was just your size. Blue Diamond handed it to you, it was so warm. She pointed towards a door in the back of the room, it must be a changing room of some sort. You walked over, dodging a spray of steam coming from a door. You walked into the changing room, and to sum it up, you went out with the old and in with the new. Something clacked out of your pocket and onto the floor. The sonic. Your mother's sonic. You picked it up and stared at it. You sighed and looked up. "Wherever you are, know that I am okay. I will see you soon." Luckily, the clothes came with a pocket, so you shoved it in there and hoped it didn't make too much of a noticeable bulge. You looked at yourself in the mirror, and smiled. The clothes were still very warm, but that's probably because they were just made. You stepped out, and Blue Diamond as well as Yellow Diamond were waiting. They both seemed very eager. "It's official now." Blue Diamond said. Their figures towered over yours. Yellow Diamond reached down and picked you up again. "Thanks Blue." She said. Blue Diamond only nodded in response. Yellow Diamond soon set off towards her building, taking you with her. You are now property of Yellow Diamond.

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