Part 6: Oh bother

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It's dark. That's all you know. You can't see, or even move for that matter. You tried to turn your head, but found there was none to turn. It also felt... cramped, despite you not being able to feel your body. The last few memories before your regeneration echoed around in your mind, which is where you could only assume you could be. You took the hit for your Diamond, and then... wait, your Diamond! Is she okay?! You went into hysterics, and you suddenly felt your arms, and legs, and head, but it was still dark. Your only motivation was to find your Diamond. You felt the rest of your body come into existence, it felt surprisingly easy to move, and you were a bit LIGHT headed. Your world was spinning. Soon the only thing left to do was open your eyes, as you could feel everything else now. You cautiously peeped your left/right eye open, but then immediately regret it. There were about four or five people crowding you. Your other eye snapped open and you staggered backwards, in fear. You fell down on your rump and curled into a ball. "Please don't hurt me!" Poor, defenseless, little you.

"Hey, hey! Wait! It's alright! We're not gonna hurtcha!" A familiar voice said. You could probably say it seemed to be all... Bismuth.

You decided to keep your ball form and slammed your eyes shut, whimpering.
(New personality: cowardly)

A shadow fell over you. It wasn't an evil shadow, it seemed rather... pleasant. But painfully familiar as well. "Hello?" A very Rose-y voice asked. Memories of the battle flooded your mind, ROSE is the one who forced you to regenerate. Oh yeah, regeneration. What did you regenerate into? You opened your eyes for just a moment to find... your skin is (color.) Okay, odd enough. There also seemed to be something attached to your (spot on your body), the same spot that ached during the regeneration. It's a gem. A (color) (type) gem. Luckily, you were still wearing your clothes, they must have become a part of you when you fell unconscious. Oh, Rose is trying to tell you something. "Please do not be afraid, I won't hurt you." You looked up at her, a soft hatred in your eyes. "You tried to... tried to destroy my Diamond." You were a bit delirious, due to the regeneration tiring you out a bit. "I know, and... I'm sorry. I didn't realize... YOU were with her." Rose said. "W-Why am I so important?" You questioned.

"You are organic, or you were, at least." Rose said. "Are t-there not any organic life forms in this time?" You asked softly. "There are, all around. But your kind hasn't existed for a long time..." You DID travel to the far future... wait, the TARDIS! You looked around frantically, to find it chained to a wall with seemingly steel restraints.

"Don't worry, that's not going anywhere." The Bismuth said. This reassured you somewhat, but more than ever you wanted to go sit and cry in it. You looked back at the others mournfully and noted everyone that was in the room. A Pearl with two swords, The Bismuth, Rose Quartz, and a very bombastically colored red and blue gem. She had three eyes. "W-What do you want me for?" You asked. The Gems all looked at each other, as if telepathically speaking amongst themselves. All eyes turned back to you after a few minutes. "We want you to join us." Rose Quartz said. You were gobsmacked. How does she, ROSE QUARTZ, the leader of the rebellion and the culprit for Pink Diamond's death, ask YOU to join her ragtag team of... of... clods?! You wanted to scream at them, but you realized you were outnumbered four-to-one. So you simply said; "Why?" You tried not to lace your voice with anger, but slightly failed. Rose Quartz crouched down to meet your eye level (you were quite short now, not just because you were crouching but because you were a bit of a shortie due to the regeneration). "(Timelord/Timelady), I do not know your name, but I want you to join us. Earth is a beautiful place, I can show you. You don't have to fight us."

You could hardly believe your ears. What could be so valuable on this planet that would keep you fighting with THE ENEMY? Well, that forest you ran through to save your Diamond was sort of nice. And the beach, when not covered in gem shards, seemed like it would be cool. You shouldn't be thinking like this. It's not... it's not right. What would your Diamond say?

"I... I can't... m-my Diamond--"
"Is gone." The Pearl said.
Fearing the worst, you asked; "W-what do you mean?"
"She fled the planet in fear of being shattered."

You were flooded with relief, but that relief sort of pushed away all of your hopes of seeing Yellow Diamond again. Why did she leave without you? To be fair, she probably couldn't stop to pick you up, as the flames-- wait, those weren't flames, it was regeneration energy! She would have been fine picking you up and hauling you towards the ship! If she's known about your species, why didn't she know she could have saved you from being stranded here?!
Did she... no, she couldn't have... did she...


You were immediately swept with a black wave of grief, loss, and regret. You teared up, and realized that may be the harsh truth. All that time with them... was for nothing. To butter you up and brainwash you.

No, this couldn't be. The Crystal Gems are lying! THEY are the ones trying to brainwash you! You can't... they can't... they're lying!

"You're trying to turn me against my Diamond." You said, venom stitching in every word.

"We know." The Pearl said.

But maybe... maybe you could get back to Yellow Diamond, if you attain the status of sleeper agent! You could spy on the Crystal Gems and report back to Yellow Diamond when she returns! If she returns...

What if she doesn't? All of this planning would be for nothing. And who's to say she'll recognize you at all? It's hopeless. You can't with this battle.

"I'm truly sorry to lay a heavy decision like this onto you, but we need to know. Please, join us. You will not go in vain." Rose said solemnly. She looked ready to cry herself.

With a heavy heart, you said...


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