4. Dead inside

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When nothing happened I finally got the courage to open my eyes

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When nothing happened I finally got the courage to open my eyes. I wasn't dead, I'm just constantly escaping death what does death have against me? In the space of a week I've nearly died twice.
I struggled under Buckys tight grip trying to get my arm free, my mind was racing as I tried to calculate an escape and what they're gonna do with me.
What I'm guessing is the leader of this whole plan crushed the ear piece in his hands before smiling at me.
"Knock her out" the Russian guy says. Buckys metal fist connected with my temple and before I could even feel pain I was out like a light.


"She's dead" I say trying to process what just happened.
"What" Steve raises her eyebrows his face falling instantly as the whole quinjet falls silent. I take out the ear piece.
"It was a trap, I just heard her get shot"
"She can't die she'll heal herself" Bruce pipes up for the first time since he un-hulked.
"She wasn't in artic fox form she couldn't just wander around Chicago looking like that"
"Now what?" Natasha asks.
"What more can we do? She has no family or anything I doubt we could retrieve her body, HYDRA probably took her for experiments" I explain.
"Well I don't think she's dead" Steve pipes up.
"Well she is because some evil Russian guy said she's going to die, he says something in Russian, she screams, there's a gun shot now all there is, is static" I raise my eyebrows at him,  my eyes glazing over as I feel my heart sink. She was my assistant but she was also my best friend, I let this happen to her.
"Well, I really liked her, the good always die young" Sam says sadly.


"Ah You're awake soldier" the Russian accent sounds again as I open my eyes.
"What are you doing?" I question trying to move my arms but to only find I was restrained down.
"Let me formally introduce myself, My name is Voronokov, the new leader of Hydra " he introduces himself as my eyes scan the room.
I was strapped down in a chair whilst being wired up these machines that where injecting something into my blood, two metal pads where stuck to my temple that were connected to a machine. I was surrounded by people in white lab coats and guards. Next to me was Bucky, he was sat on a chair also wired up to the same machine as me.
"впрыснуть ее" He nods to a girl in a white lab coat who nods her head before preparing a needle filled with a cloudy liquid.
"Вы не смеете!" I hiss talking back at Voronkov.
"Ah she speaks Russian." He says with an amused look on his face. The woman comes up to me and rolls up my jacket sleeve and begins searching my arm for a vein.
"Should do your research more before kidnapping someone" I snap at him.
"Wipe her" he commands once she had injected me.
"You're going to wipe my memories? Why?"
"Im going to make you stronger, faster and help you control that little problem of yours, think of it as a favour, I'm helping you" He smiles at me before someone turns on the machine and my whole body tenses as what feels like electricity surges through my body from the two metal pads in my temple.
I let out a loud scream as the pain intensified and I struggled under the restraints trying to get free.
"Stop moving it makes it worse" Bucky says quietly, he was barely audible over the sound of the ringing in my head.
"It'll be all over soon"


I woke up feeling empty and emotionless with no recollection anything, no memories or were I am.
"Longing" a voice sounds as my eyesight blurs.
"Freight car"
The words kept getting repeated, ringing in my head and I was left confused.
"Ah soldier you're awake" a girl in a white lab coat smiles at me, loosening the tight restraints on me.
"What happened?" I groan having no recollection of anything that's happened or who these people are.
"You had quite a fight back there, can you remember who or where you are?" She whispers as I hear some Russian man talking to someone. I shake my head and try look around but a pain in my neck prevented me from doing so.
"Your name is the artic fox, we are HYDRA, you've worked with us for years, you're a trained assassin who has amazing abilities to create portals and slow down time, you will be given tasks and mission that you must do, but you should know that you've been with us long enough to get the hang of it all" she explains. Something about what she said didn't seem quite right about what she said but what else do I have? Why can't I remember any of that? Why can't I remember anything at all?
"This is the Winter Soldier he's been your partner for years" she explains as this tall rugged man with long hair and metal arm towers over me. He holds out a hand and pulls me out of chair.
"Put them on ice" the Russian man ordered. Some guards grabbed my arms and guided me and the Winter Soldier down an endless maze of corridors until we reached a giant room that was freezing cold. Inside was a bunch of pods filled with ice.
One of the guards opened a pod and I'm shoved into it.
"Hey!" I yell as the close the door, almost instantly my whole body begins freezing and going numb until I felt nothing. I was left in the dark, alone with my inner monologue screaming for what felt like eternity.


"Where is the Artic Fox? Is she an avenger? Is it true she is tonys assistant?" One reporter asks. I glance at Tony who looked hurt at the mention of her name, her death as been harsh on him I knew he and her were close and I know he's more hurt then he's letting on.
"The Artic Fox is dead. Alex was sent on a mission, to locate the Winter Soldier and it was a trap, she was killed instantly" Tony sighs, his eyes glazing over and his voice shaking.
As soon as Tony mentions this a man just a bit shorter then me with black hair stands up from the back of the room and storms out followed by a blonde haired girl.
"I'll be right back" I whisper to Natasha.
I get up and quickly rush out of the room following the couple who had just left.
"Hey!" I yell out as the man sits on a wall outside the building with his head in his hands while the girl pats his back.
"Did you know Alex?" I ask hoping they'd have some information about her.
"Yeah she was my best friend" the blonde sniffs looking up at me. She was incredible beautiful and had the most stunning blue eyes behind her glasses.
"She was my girlfriend, who I stupidly dumped when I found out about her being superhuman" the man says standing up and avoiding my eye contact. So this is Damon, the ex.
"You're Damon?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
"How did you know?"
"Alex, she had nightmares, I'd always have to come and wake her up, she would always say Damon in her sleep and when I asked her who Damon was she told me he was her ex"
"This is all your fault she would still be alive if you idiots didn't send her on a suicide mission" Damon lashes out.
"Actually you're the reason she joined us" I snap back.
"In New York, she killed those people because of you, her emotions took over her powers" I explain stepping back from him.
"He already feels guilty for her death, you're not helping anything" the girl glares at me.
"Felicity, what happened? Did I miss anything? Holy shit, Captain America" a boy about Damons age climbs out of his car and word vomits all these questions.
"Evan calm down, I'm really sorry b-but...Alex is dead" the girl sniffs his face dropping and individual tear slides down her cheek.
"What?" Did I just hear his heart breaking.
"She was sent on a mission by these idiots and got her killed" she spits glaring at me.
"They were orders from Nick Fury not me besides none of us knew it was a trap, we couldn't help, we are sorry"
"Yeah right, you just wanted your friend back and you didn't care if that meant people would die in the progress" Damon pipes up.
"We never got to say good bye" Evan sobs as felicity pulls him into a hug.
"Im really sorry for everything we real--" I begin.
"Please stop talking" Damon hisses.
"Damon you can't just tell captain America to shut up" felicity snaps pulling out of her hug with Evan.
"It's alright he's just angry and upset" I sigh looking around and seeing the rest of the avengers exiting the building surrounded by paparazzi that were mainly swarming Tony, they were heading to the black cars we arrived in so I took that as my cue to leave
"Ive got to go, we will keep in touch and let you know any more details on Alex when we find them"

впрыснуть ее: inject her
Вы не смеете!: Don't you dare

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