You wear his clothes

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Billy- You and Billy were pulling a prank on one of the teachers and Billy had some how got water balloons.

(Time skip brought to you by Joeys Jawline)

After you and Billy had filled up all the water balloons you and Billy made your way up the stairs. "Wait so what's the plan" you asked "Well the plan is Ricky is going to call the teacher and say that someone is causing trouble. The teacher will walk up the stairs then we'll throw the water Ballons at him" Billy explained. "Easy enough" you replied.

(Once again another time skip but this time it is brought to you by yogurt eating yogurt.)

Once the teacher was up the stairs you and Billy throw every single water balloon at him. "You'll pay for this Tepper and Y/L/N" the teacher yelled as you and Billy ran away.

Once you got back in his dorm no one was there. Also you're shirt some how got soaked while throwing the water Ballons. "Billy did I leave and shirts here" you ask. " Um I don't think so but you can wear one of mine" Billy says while throwing one of his shirt at you. "Thanks I guess" you say as you take off the shirt that soaked. Billy watches you the whole time. (Weirdo). Once your done Billy said "Damn Y/N you look hot in my clothes". "Shut up Billy" you respond.

Joey- You wake up next to Joey the memories of last night going through your head as you blush. You roll of to see if Joey was awake yet. And he's not. You go and plant kiss all over Joey face.
His brown eyes flutter open looking at you smiling at your blushing face. He goes and kisses you. Causing you to blush even more. He stares at you. "Your beautiful" Joey states. "Thanks" you say barley above a whisper. He kiss you again before getting out of his bed. You look around the room and can't find your shirt anywhere. You decide to just grab one of his. Throwing it over your head and sliding your arms through the sleeves. Once you done you feel arms rap around your waist and hear Joey say "I love you".

Snuffy- "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT" Snuffy screams. He had accidentally stabbed you with a pencil and now you where bleeding. Not much but still bleeding. Snuffy was overreacting. While you calmly walk into the bathroom getting a towel cleaning up the blood.
Now let me tell you how it happened well you an Snuffy where doing homework together. He went to poke you with the eraser on his pencil. But ended up poking you with the lead part. And the pencil had been just sharpened.
And now here you guys where. You had already patched up the place where he had stabbed you.
While he is still running around the room yelling. "SNUFFY" you yell at him to get his attention. He stops running around to look at you. He immediately runs over to you and hugging you. " I'm so sorry" he whispers. " It's okay" you say back. He pulls back from the hug when he feels something wet on his arm. He looks at your shirt to see blood. " Y/N there's blood on your shirt". " I know" you respond. He goes and picks up a clean shirt and gives it to you. You thank him and put it on. Him staring the whole time. "I'm sorry I stabbed you" he says while rapping his arms around your waist. "Also you look really hot in my shirt". You giggle and kiss him.

Ricky- You and Ricky where playing soccer. While it was raining. Not a smart idea. You guys where slipping and sliding every where. But it was fun. You where currently running away from Ricky with the ball. You almost slip as you make a goal. Ricky was still running after you.
Him sliding on the mud knocking you down with him. You laugh as he attempts to get up but just keeps on slipping. He finally gives up. And gets on top of you. "Get off Ricky your to fat" you laugh. He chuckles and stops laying on TO of you. Instead he decides to hover over you. He leans down and kisses you several times. It turns into a make out session quick. But not lasting for long as a teacher walks out and starts screaming at you guys. You guys laugh and get up. The teacher walks inside. As you and Ricky walk over to his dorm. That's when you guys realize that you are covered in mud. And soaked from the rain. Ricky looks over at you. And laughs seeing you covered in mud. You punch him on the shoulder. "Come on where going to my dorm" he says. "But Ricky I have no clothes in your dorm" you state. "You can wear some of my clothes" he says still walking. "Alright" you say giving in. When you guys get to his dorm you take a shower. You walk out in his clothes. He stares at you. And immediately your on his bed him hovering over you. "You look really beautiful in my clothes" he says before kissing you. "I know" you saying while smirking before you pull him into a kiss.

Hank- "BILLY I SWEAR TO GOD ILL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS" you scream at Billy as he runs away. You groan looking down at your soaked clothes. Let me tell you what happened.
Billy thought it would be a brilliant idea to spray you with a water hose. And soak your clothes and then run away.
So here you are standing here cold, wet, and angry. You where walking back to your dorms.

When you happened to pass by your boyfriend of 5 months Hank. He stopped walking and looks at you. You stopped walking as well and looked at him.
"What happened to you" he says trying to hold back his laughs. "Billy that's what happened" you say irritated. "Oh your cousin pranked you again" he says laughing now.
"Yes and I'm going to get him back this time" you say already thinking of the perfect prank.
"Well lets go get you some dry clothes" Hank says as he grabs your hand and starts walking to his dorm.
"Why are we going here" you ask. "I want you to stay the night. Is that alright" he asked with a hint of worry in his voice. "Yeah I'll stay but I need clothes" "You can wear mine".
(Time skip to when you get to his dorm because why not and this time skip is brought to you by Snuffy having a asthma attack)
When you guys got there he immediately got you a towel and some clothes. You go and dry off and change. You finish changing and once you turn around you see that Hank has changed already and is now lying on his bed reading something. You walk over to him and put the towel back to where he got it from.
You feel someone grab your wrist and pull you down you landing on top of them. You look up to see Hank smirking. You smirk back.
"You look really nice wearing my clothes you should do it more often" he says before kissing you.

Yogurt- You and Yogurt where eating lunch when he accidentally spilt milk on you. All over you.
And now here you where inside his room him looking for one of your shirts that you had accidentally left in his dorm.
You told him that you would just go to your dorm and grab a shirt. But he start saying how he didn't want you to walk all the way across campus.
"Ummmmm Y/N."
"Yes Yogurt" you responded. "You have no shirts here" he said. "But its fine you can wear one of mine and tuck it into your pants out something like that" he awkwardly states.
"Alright" you say waiting for a shirt. He hands you one and you change and tuck it into your pants since it was to long. "There I'm done changing" you say. He turns around to look at you. "You look cute in my shirt Y/N" he says blushing. "Thanks" you say as you wrap your arms around his neck then kiss him softly on his lips.

Yes I know I'm horrible. I'm a horrible person. I can't write for shit and i never update. Man I'm such a great author (note the sarcasm). Well anyways thanks for reading and I must say. We got to 3.31k view things. Good job guys. Pat yourself on the back for doing that. But anyways thank you guys and I'll see you next time.
Next preference is first kiss


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