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Kim Bora P.O.V

I woke up at 7.00 . I had to go to work today cause if I don't the bad side will appoint spies to spy on me.

 I had to go to work today cause if I don't the bad side will appoint spies to spy on me

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I wore this ^ and went to my office.

xxxxxx Time skip 3.00p.m xxxxxx

All this time I was just sitting next to my computer and browsing the history of the people I have spied on before the people who ended up broken now that I realise it I feel really guilty for being mean to them by tricking them making them fall for me then just leaving them after my company gets what it wants it that not torture ? . I wonder how I did it how I was so heartless .

???: Boss is calling you bae

I know this voice , it is Steve . This guy has a crush on me and always flirts with me till the point where I just have to tape his mouth seriously this guy is so annoying .

Me: Yah who are you calling bae ? shut up before I tape your mouth again

Steve : At least that way you touch me

Me: Stay 5 feet away from me at all cause or I kick you

Steve : Ok ok the boss is waiting

Me: Oh right

I entered his office

Boss : So how is your relationship with Jungkook going are you guys a thing yet ?

Me: Yes boss we are now girlfriend and boyfriend

Why did I just lie it's like my mouth took control of what to say instead of my brain

Boss: Good because I booked a table at _____ hotel for your date at 5 p.m . Wear something fancy since it is a fancy hotel . Take this recording device and stick under the table you guys will be seated at. Try asking what work he is doing trick him into telling you . We can hear you but we can't talk or see you so be careful ok

Me: Ok boss

Boss: You may leave to your house and get ready for the date

I nodded and left his office . What have I done I messed up big time how am I gonna ask Jungkook for a date if we are just friends . I called oppa to tell him about the situation and he told me his plan .

Oppa : So I will tell Jungkook to go on a date with you since they only can hear you I will ask Jungkook to drag the time by being cheesy and then I will call him to meet me outside the hotel and he will give you a reason like he needs to go to work or something so your boss would not suspect a thing

Ok gotta admit oppa is very smart man no wonder he is such a good spy . I ended the call as I entered the house . It was already 4 I went up to my room to pick an attire and I just coloured my hair yesterday since I wanted to start new , feel different . ( don't ask me why )

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