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Credits to @uyutae for such an amazing video, this is like my fave song now ^^

Jungkook P.O.V

Taehyung was gonna introduce his sister to the entire crowd what is he thinking . I covered his mouth and pulled him off the stage . Did he not know Steve is here as Yerin's date and is watching if Bora is doing her mission if he goes up to stage and tells everyone who his sister is Bora is dead .

Me : Hyung what are you doing Steve is here

Tae : Oh shit I forgot thanks for pulling me down the stage * smiles *

Me : Welcome

I looked around the see where Bora was . She was sitting at the corner of the room drinking orange juice all by herself . She really looks good in white actually she looks good in all colours . She braided her hair so her face was clearly seen . Taehyung caught me starting at his sister . DAMN IT .

Tae : Why you looking at my sister

Me : Well erm........I......Ah you see she is my date for the party right so if Steve saw me staring at other girls wouldn't he think something is off and he would start spying you wouldn't want that right so that is why I was staring at your sister .

That was a good lie wasn't it ? Now what kind of party is this ? it is a morning and this looks like a party that was suppose to be thrown on a Friday night . Ok now I had to put a empty pen drive on the room which Bora will be stealing later .

I slowly went out of the room and went into the room next to it and put the pen drive on top of the table and I went back to the party room .

I sat beside Bora who looked " bored " . She gave me the " your not gonna hang around with your hyungs " look . I just shook my head .

Bora : Ok no offence but this is the lamest party I have ever been to like ever

Me : Why because there is no strippers ?

Bora : Yah what type of party club do you think I go to ?

I just giggled and she pouted . I began to poke her which made her giggle too . I really think I've fallen for her . But she likes another guy . I stopped poking her and said it was time for her to " steal " the pen drive.

Bora : Oh shit thanks for reminding me brb * smiles *

I can see why she is Taehyung's sister they kinda share the same smile . As soon as she left Taehung sat on the seat that Bora was sitting before .

Tae : I know you like my sister

Me : N- No I did not

Tae : Then why did you stutter ?

I gave up

Me : Whats the point she likes Jinyoung

Taehyung just sighed there is noting that I or he could do

Tae : So you are just gonna give up ?

Me : Yea

Tae : Yah try winning her heart and maybe she will change I mean you did change her so much

Me : Thanks hyung . Are you actually ok that I like your sister

Tae : I'm more that happy that it is you

xxxxxx time skip : Party finish you go home it is already 8 pm for some random reason and Tae went to his house xxxxxx

Me : Is it weird that I am not tired at all after going to a party ?

Bora : No cause I am feeling the same you go shower I'll go cook dinner okay

Me : K

Bora P.O.V

I just made kimchi and went to shower in my bathroom . After shower I wore pajamas and went down to eat dinner . Jungkook wasn't at the kitchen yet and he went to shower first . Who is the girl here .


Jungkook : COMING MOM

Now that is how you make him come down . We ate dinner and no one talked . Finally Jungkook broke the silence

Jungkook : You wanna watch a movie

Me : Can I choose the movie

Jungkook : As long as it is not disney movies I am fine

Me : But you should watch those type of movies cause your like 5

Jungkook : I am not 5 now go choose a movie * pout *

He looks so adorable when he pouts . I picked a horror movie . I really like these type of stories but I do still scream at scary parts like who doesn't . I closed all the curtains offed all the light . The place looked really scary . I have a feeling Jungkook is gonna start screaming like a girl idk why . So the movie started normally soon it got scary . Normally the girl would go bury her face in the guy's chest but my story wasn't like that . It was Jungkook the one holding my hand and screaming like a girl . WHY IS HE A SPY ????? . After the movie ended I looked at Jungkook who fell asleep on my shoulder . He looked cute . I can't let him sleep peacefully can I ? I kept poking his cheek until he woke up .

Jungkook : Is the movie over

Me : Yes it is go to sleep in your room

Jungkook : Can I sleep with you

Me : Why you scared that a zombie gonna eat your brain

Jungkook : No I am scared the zombie will eat your brain . Whatever can I sleep in your room ?

Me : Ok fine

Jungkook went to my room and slept on my bed while I slept on the couch . Today was actually fun especially when Jungkook held my hand tightly when something scary appeared . I heard him sleep talk more like sleep sing . Soon I drifted off .

xxxxxx ENd oF ChApTEr xxxxxxx

I hope you liked this update I will work harder next time I promise . BYEBYE

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