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Bora P.O.V

When I woke up I saw that I was on the bed instead of the couch . How did that happen . And Jungkook was not in my room . I still had 15 minutes before waking up so I decided to check my phone . Jungkook had sent me a message .

Jungkook : YAH WHY DID YOU SLEEP ON THE COUCH . DO YOU WANNA GET CRAMPS ?!?FORTUNATELY I WAS THERE SO I PUT YOU ON THE BED BEFORE I LEFT . Anyway I made breakfast make sure you eat them before you go to work understand

Me : Ok Ok thanks oppa ~ ( I will only call you that when I feel like it so don't make a big deal that I called you oppa )

I woke up did my morning chores and ate Jungkook's handmade breakfast which was delicious btw . Then I left for work .

At work

I had go give the pen drive that I had stolen the other day . I went into the boss's office and guess who was there. That's right it was that dumbhead Steve . The boss what not there yet.

Steve : You know by now don't you

Me : know what

Steve : that I and Yerin are dating

Me : Yea so what

Steve : Well aren't you jealous

Me : Why would I be jealous. I don't even like you

Steve : Stop lying to yourself Of course you like me it's obvious

Me : Maybe in your dreams

Then our boss walked in . We greeted him as he took a seat on his chair . I gave him the pen drive , glared at Steve and then left his office . I saw Jinyoung at the coffee machine . Remember how I said I liked him to Jungkoo and Tae well I used to have a crush on him but after I realised that he has a girlfriend I " stopped " liking him in a sense . But we are really good friends like really that he told me some of his secrets like how he likes Jennie and yes she is his girlfriend .

I went over to the coffee machine and said hi to him . He replied with a smile . I tried to talk to him .

Me : So how is life

Jinyoung : While your on missions I just sit here doing nothing

Me : But Jennie is also doing the same you guys can just hang out what ?

Jinyoung : That is what we are doing now , That is why I have 2 cups of coffee Ok bye gotta go bye :)

Me : Bye

'Ring Ring' that was my phone .

Me : Hello

Jungkook : Come to home now

Me : Why

Jungkook : You'll see just come

Me : K bye ~

I went home . You see since my job is to spy on Jungkook and since Jungkook and I live in the same house I can go home form work anytime I want how great is that ? .

xxxxxx Time skip after I reached home xxxxxx

I reached home and saw my brother lying on the couch in the hall with a wet towel on his head . I saw Jungkook in the kitchen . I started to panic

Jungkook : Thank goodness your here, go make this soup *points recipe*

Me : What happened to him

Jungkook : I really don't know he said he was gonna go home he took his car and left . When I decided to go home I saw him drunk sitting next to his car in the car park his watch , wallet and his chain is missing seems like a robbery . So I think that a few robbers came to him made him drunk you know your brother he knocked out for a bottle and the robbers stole his stuff but.....they didn't steal the most expensive thing that he had the diamonds that was in his pocket so their aim is not robbing your brother's things it's something else . What could it be ?

while Jungkook was talking I finished making the soup . I poured it in a bowl and walked towards Tae oppa . He looks so tired . I slightly shook him he started to make inhuman noises . I slowly made him sit properly . I bet his head hurts as hell . Then I slowly started feeding him the soup . I saw Jungkook sitting on the dining table holding a paper and hitting his head with a pencil . Aww he cares for Taehyung I am so touched by his generosity towards his hyungs

xxxxxx After a few hours xxxxxx

Finally Tae woke up . We needed answers I was with Jungkook trying to find the possible reasons for the event that happened . We didn't want to ask the question right away cause he just woke up so he might be tired . But Tae wanted to answer anyway so

Jungkook : Hyung tell us what happened, everything that you remember

Tae : So you know the pen drive that Bora had to steal well we replaced it right so the pen drive was with P.d Nim . He gave me the pen drive and said to hide it in my house and he let me go immediately . That is when I told you I was leaving . As soon as I reached the car park 2 guys walked towards me opened my mouth and poured a bottle of soju . Then they stole my watch , my wallet and my chain . They checked my pocket they found the diamonds but gave it back to me for some reason the kept searching my other pockets and found the pen drive they took it and left .

Jungkook : So their target is the pen drive

Me : But what is so important that the pen drive contains that is driving people nuts

Tae : That is what we have to find out . Thank you so much Jungkook for everything saving me , finding my sister thanks a lot

Me : Yea thanks a lot

Jungkook : Hyung you made me begin your the one who I should be thanking now smile with me . ( see what I did there ? )

I might not know their relationship but I know that they care for each other very very much

xxxxxx End of chapter xxxxxx

Hello I don't think I will be able to update next week because I have camp . Trust me camps are the worst anyway I hope you liked the chapter please Vote and comment bye . Credits to @ashleygold25 for subbing the amazing video above thank you so much

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