Pen Drive ?

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Bora P.O.V

We ( Tae , me , and Jungkook ) woke up extra extra early . Then we went to the car park where Tae oppa got attacked and we found nothing . We came back home and I made all of us lunch ( That's right we skipped breakfast ) while Tae was sleeping on the couch , Jungkook was busy in his room doing something . Then when I finally was done with lunch I called them and Jungkook didn't come out to eat ( that's weird ) . I served Tae oppa the lunch then I put Jungkook's lunch in his plate and took it to his room .

" knock knock " reply -_-

Then after like 20 seconds

Jungkook : Who is it

Me : Wtf it's me Bora let me in I brought you lunch .

Then the door opened Jungkook swiftly pulled me into the room and locked it . WTF


Jungkook : Relax

Then he covered my mouth

Jungkook : You're in danger

Me : Ha as if I am gonna believe that . I get it that you are a spy but just know I am one too.

Jungkook: just shut up and listen for once

I nodded

Jungkook : So1spyfromyoursidefoundoutthatyou'reTae'ssisterandthatisSteve

I couldn't understand a word he said cause he talked to fast. Then he repeated himself . I was so shocked damn it how did he ? wait how does Jungkook know that

Me : Wait how do you know that ?

Jungkook : When the " robbers " escaped they left a key . The same key that I saw which was with Steve so one of the "robbers" must be him if he knew that the pen drive was with Tae he must have followed you right ?

Me : Yea but why do you think that he knows that I am Tae's sister

Jungkook : I was careful with my words I said that I think he knows you are Tae's sister . If he exactly knows that the was with Tae he must know either one of this secrets 1 . That you and I are working together or 2. You're somehow blood related to Tae . You know he is a spy too right is it gonna be that hard for him to figure out ?

Me : It makes sense but why am I in danger

Jungkook : Didn't you yourself say that Steve was dangerous so if he knew something about you I bet he would want something from you for exchange . Are you a virgin ?

Me : Yea.......why ?

Jungkook : Oh your gonna be screwed he might want your virginity for exchange ......................what should we do?.................

Me : Your asking me ? Ah who do you think I am . Do you know I am black belt in karate ? If he gets anywhere near me I will kick his balls . Also do you know that I carry a gun in my pocket all the time so if anything happens I know how to protect myself . YOU *points Jungkook * Go eat your lunch and wash the dishes understood

Jungkook : .Uh...Yes madam

HAHA so cute lol but seriously I need to be as smart as him how does he find things so easily ? .

?? : Hey bae

I know that voice ......STEVE . I quickly grabbed the pen knife on the table and hit it behind my back while turning to face him

Me : Steve what are you doing here

Steve : So I am here to help you I think Jungkook has a doubt on you

Me : what type of doubt

Steve : If you're a spy or not. Cause in the party I saw him following you and then I realised that he switched the pen drives and also the real pen drive was with Tae so I took it from him . Here you go keep this safe alright .

I nodded . Steve pecked my cheek before jumping off the window . THAT JERK . I took the pen drive and went to my room took out my laptop and put the pen drive in .


xxxxxx The end of chapter xxxxxx

Guys thanks for waiting your so kind hope you like the chapter . BYEBYE

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