[8] Playing With the player

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Selena Gomez as inspiration for Hayley?



"You shouldn't be offended that I said that." I speak coolly. "That shows that you care."


The next day, I open my eyes with a new sense of passion.

Maybe today will not be as bad as I think it will be?

In all of about half an hour I am up, dressed, and start heading out of the house. Once I get to college I see Dillon and he gives me a small nod.

"You seem happier." He says with a smile.

"I am." I laugh. "The sun looks brighter, the grass looks greener, the clouds look fluffier—"

"And the company is much better." I hear from behind me. Mace walks up to us with a grin. He even looks breathtaking at 7:30 in the morning and I don't understand how he manages it. "You alright?"

I look him up and down and see that he is limping slightly. "I'm fine. What happened to you?" I look bluntly at him.

"It's all fine. Zeke and I talked it out." Mace explains. "Now as much as it's fun talking to you Bitch, there's a new teacher today and I want to give a first impression to remember."

"Since when did you want a good first impression?" I scoff.

"I don't. I want a bad one." Mace winks.


"My name is Mrs Finch. But you can call me Mrs Funk." The teacher in front of us says, obviously trying to seem 'cool' and failing. She turns around and writes her nickname on the whiteboard before turning back to us and continuing her long speech on expectations, blah blah blah.

What I'm more interested in is Myles and James who are abnormally sat right at the front.

"Can you open some windows, miss? It's boiling in here." Myles coos and she nods kindly.

"Of course. It is rather warm." She blushes and heads towards the back of the room.

At this point I hear Miles whisper, "Go, go, go!" and watch as James creeps towards the whiteboard. He quickly rubs out the 'n' in 'Funk' and replaces it with a 'c' before sitting back down again.

"You all alright?" Mrs 'Funk' asks the sniggering class with a kind but confused smile. She hasn't noticed the letter change on the whiteboard.

At that moment, the Headteacher walks in with a couple of visitors. The class stands obediently when they see him. "And this is the top set Biology." Our Headteacher says and looks proudly at the class before turning to the whiteboard for help. "With Mrs Fuc—" the Head turns his last word into a cough which earns a few muffled sniggers from the class.

All of us apart from Mrs 'Funk', who frowns. "Don't you like the name, sir? It's Mrs Fu—"

"Alright alright we get it." The headteacher glares at her before turning to his guests. "Why don't I show you a different class which demonstrates the standards we achieve at William's College." He speaks as his voice fades away into the distance.

The class try to hold in our chuckles as we sit down.

Ah, I wish all lessons were like this.


"Prick... Idiot... Jerk... Bitch... Desperate... Loser..." I mutter under my breath as I watch the new couple from my seat at lunch.

"Those insults gradually get worse." Mace annoys me which causes Dillon and Rebecca to laugh.

"You can see where I'm coming from though." I mumble and stab the mushy potato on my plate with my fork.

On the other side of the cafeteria, there is a girl who has her face plastered to her new boyfriend.

That boyfriend, is Zeke.

"Love you babe," he coos against her lips.

"I love you too." Bethany murmurs and pulls herself away from him to reach his gaze. "You want to go somewhere else?"

He nods with a smirk. "Be right there."

We all watch as the girl sways her butt out of the room, while Zeke stares with amused and proud eyes as she goes. I snort and Rebecca rolls her eyes before we all turn our attention back to our food.

Soon after though, we are interrupted by a certain cocky jerk.

Any guesses who?

I wonder...

"There's loads more where that came from, lads." Zeke comes over and grins at Dillon and Mace. I snort again and look away. "What? You jealous?" Zeke teases and prods my cheek.

I whack his hand away— who knows where that could have been? Ew.

"No, of course not." I state and glare at him. "Why would I be jealous of a hideous cow with a huge backside and a heavy bull who has temper tantrums?" Everyone laughs, apart from Zeke who only has an amused smile playing on his lips. I stare at him smugly. "You were the cow in that, by the way."

"Burrrn." I hear Myles laugh.

"Savage!" James shouts, attracting lots of attention.

"Then I'm gonna go put that huge backside of mine to good use." Zeke says and plonks himself on my lap. "That better, Evil Troll?"

What a terrible insult. I roll my eyes and kick him off me. "Get lost."

I know, I'm great at comebacks.

Zeke shrugs. "I will. I have dinner waiting for me outside anyway, it's a lot better than the slop your eating." He winks and leaves the cafeteria with a victorious smirk on his face.

But what is he so happy about?

That he wound me up? That he got his face attacked?

I don't even know. But there are many words that I would use to describe him right now, and Jerk is the least offensive by far.


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