[5] Date pt 2: Its all up to Me

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I promised ;)



Once Zeke has been dragged out of the kitchens by the angry cook, I glance at his phone. Come on Mace, hurry up...

Here y'go Zekey boi: They are going to have ice creams- she's having strawberry. Now don't you love me? :P Mace types and I decide to set Zeke up for some very awkward conversations.

Yeah I love you lots. In fact, I've loved you since I first met you.

What? Chill mate I was just joking! Poor Mace, he doesn't know what's hit him.

It meant more to me than a joke. I've been meaning to tell you for a while now but here goes: I love you Mace. I try to hold in my laughter as I type before shoving Zeke's phone in my back pocket and grabbing the love note from my purse.

I know it's a lame joke but it still entertains my small mind.

Slowly, I peek over the edge of the counter. Once I notice that the area is all clear I take a look at the delicious puddings laid in front of me. God my stomach's rumbling now.

Why did Zeke have to stop me from eating my cake? I need chocolate cake for energy and it boosts my skills.

Anyway, I need to focus. But unfortunately not on the chocolate cake.

I scan the puddings and as much as all the chocolate cakes grabs my attention, I still manage to notice the two ice creams in tall stemmed glasses. Right, I know that she's having strawberry so if I can just slip the message in then it'll be fine. But where? It's an ice cream so where are you meant to put a love note where it won't get destroyed?

I see that there is a tube of chocolate (meant for decoration) and decide to try and slip the rolled up note inside. Working quickly, I manage to do so - although I had to ditch the pretty ribbon - and then start to slowly crawl out of the kitchens. Towards the end my pace quickens and I am out of the kitchen in all of about ten seconds. Once out of the metal doors, I head for the dining area of the restaurant.

I wonder what happened to Zeke? He might have even got thrown out.

I walk into the restaurant to see the lost puppy being held on the collar by the cook, and a waitress pointing her finger at him. This would be such a great picture but I've already set up Mace and Zeke together, what could be better than that?

"What's going on?" I ask the waitress and offer Zeke a wink.

He smirks once he realises that I've done what we set out to do and plays along. "Hey Babe."

I roll my eyes and turn my attention to the waitress as she explains. "He was caught in the kitchens, Miss."

"Aw really? Seriously babe I know you get curious but you really shouldn't." I say to Zeke and pinch his cheek like he's a child.

"What do you mean?" The Waitress asks, now deeply confused.

"He's always wanted to be a chef, you see. Curiosity always gets the better of him." I rub my hands through Zeke's hair fondly. "Isn't that right, Babe?"

"Yeah I mean, I was waiting for my girlfriend to come out the bathroom and saw the signs for the kitchens and got curious." Zeke lies smoothly.

I love HER ✔️ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now