[18] Truth be lies

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"Aw did chubby cheeks not tell you?" Mr Nichilo mocks me and my stomach sinks.

It's not true. The crazy guy is just trying to trick you. Zeke never killed an innocent child.

"Maybe I should give you a few more details." Mr Nichilo continues and my mouth doesn't move to stop him. "Westley misguided my nephew and so was angry when I couldn't take Mace in. You know about that I assume? I told him how to get better and gave advice to his family so that he could become a better person, and then hopefully I'd be able to take Mace back in once he had stopped being misguided. He didn't, obviously, and has held a grudge... a repugnance... against me ever since. He set my house alight, and my darling little boy drowned in the flames. Do you not know how that felt? To have your everything taken away from you by one person? And that person, Miss O'Sullivan, was your Zeke Westley."

Tears are in his eyes but also in mine as I sit, paralysed, in my seat.

A bang interrupts us as a door swings open. Zeke enters the room with a knocked out guard in one hand and a shard of glass in the other. His face pales as he sees me and he drops the... the dead guard onto the floor.

Is it Jason?

"Hayley..." the words seem to pour out of his mouth uncontrollably and I notice the blood staining his hands. "What are you doing here? What the hell were you thinking?"

He goes to wrap his arms around me, not noticing my indecisive stance. I don't really hug him back. I just stand there, dazed. Zeke finally pulls back, still not noticing my pale skin, and reaches out to touch my cheek. As soon as his fingers brush my skin my senses come back and I push him away.

"Get away from me!" I cry and push his chest, making him fall back.

Hurt and confusion falls onto Zeke's face but I have no sympathy.

"Mr Westley," Mace's Uncle chooses to break the moment as he asserts cockily. "I was just explaining to Hayley about my son, remember him? That poor boy which you killed? The one you murdered."

Zeke's face falls and tears form in my eyes. "No don't listen to him—" Zeke starts huskily but I cut him off.

"So it's true? You liar... you liar!" I literally yell in his face. "You killed someone... an innocent child!" My eyes are drawn to the dead bodyguard but Zeke is swift to stand in front of me, blocking my view of the body lying on the floor.

"Hayley just listen to me, okay? Just let me explain—" his voice rises and trembles but I take no notice.

"You're... you're sick! So sick minded!" I shout and cry at the same time. "To kill... I thought you'd changed! You promised."

Zeke itches the back of his neck and his face scrunches and I can tell that he's thinking of the best way to explain without me exploding. "It comes with being a bad boy, okay?"

My voice is barely audible. "Oh my god Zeke..."

"Hate to break the moment but my morning coffee has arrived." Nr Nichilo interrupts and pushes us away from his desk, his hands patting our shoulders.

"I just found out that my friend has killed an innocent child- your son- and you're worried about your morning coffee?" I glare at him and feel the director's hand peel off my shoulder as he looks a bit awkward.

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