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Link's Point of View

...and, the disheartening fact that time now works against me, instead of with me, makes me question whether or not time is a sickness, ever corrupting one's mind into thinking in a fallacious manner, or if it is an inevitable burden, reminding one of their inescapable death.

I used to think of it as something far from a mere concept, no, it was something glorious that I could control in some cases. If I felt like going to the past, I could place the blade of evil's bane back in its pedestal, or, more recently, I could play the Song of Time.

But it was still limited; however, that limited control I had on time was all I needed to achieve my goals.

But the simplest of goals, of needs, of desperate desires, is what is so far out of reach it has forever altered my perception on time. The need I'd never thought would be the one out of grasp, the need I always took for granted, and the one that typically would be taken for granted - to be at home, to have a life similar to the one before I was woken up and told I was the world's only hope.

All I want to do is return to my house in the forest, to sleep in every day, to not have some deathly moon reminding me of the burden of time; to see Saria, to see Zelda, to see Malon, Ruto, Darunia, Impa, and even Mido. To possibly see Skull Kid, finding him playing his flute on that stump in the Lost Woods, and maybe - just maybe - see Happy Mask Salesman, amidst his travels.

Looks like that isn't happening.

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