Chapter 3

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I was currently at the wrap party for the movie I just finished shooting. It was 11pm and I'd been here since 7. I turned to one of my co-stars and close friends Jennifer Lawrence (a/n: I had to include her in this shes amazing), 'Hey Jen, I'm gonna head home'

'Aaawwwwwwww, come on y/n, the party just started', she pleaded, clearly a little drunk.

'I know but I have to be on a plane at 2 and I haven't packed yet'

'Ugh! You're such a party pooper y/n'

I laughed at her drunkenness. 'I'll see you later, don't drink too much!' I shouted over the music as I hugged her goodbye and went to leave.

'I already did!' she shouted back, 'go get you a girlfriend'

Jen was one of the few people who actually knew who I was referring to in 'the tweet', and as a result had been teasing me about it. If it had been anyone else it would have annoyed me, but since teasing me is her no. 1 favourite thing to do I let it slide, besides I know shes just joking and she knows I don't really want to talk about it right now, so it's cool.


When I got home, I quickly got changed into comfy clothes, basically sweat-pants and a massive hoodie I'm not sure actually belongs to me, and started to pack. I know what you're thinking, I left packing REALLY late, but I'm one of the most unorganised people on the planet, and my 'packing' consists of shoving basically every item of clothing I own into a massive suitcase and sitting on it until it closes. By 11:45pm I had everything I needed packed, at least I was like 85% sure I had everything I needed, but if I didn't I could just go buy whatever it was I forgot when I arrived. It wouldn't be the first time I had to use someone else's tooth brush until we got somewhere I could buy one.

I decided I should probably start heading to the airport so got in my car and started driving there (don't worry, I haven't had a drop of alcohol so I'm not drink driving, besides I'm only 18 so legally I can't any way, not here at least, I can back home in London, but that's besides the point, I'm not drunk, that's all that matters).

A few minutes later I arrived at the airport and parked my car in the long stay car park, got my bag out of the back and walked to my terminal checking in area thing (a/n: I don't travel much I'm not exactly sure how airports work). Once I'd checked my suitcase I took my carry on through security and went to go sit by my flight boarding deck, or whatever it's called. I was wearing my huge hoodie, with the hood up and sunglasses so nobody had recognised me yet, which was good because I didn't have any security. I usually travel with at least one guy but I didn't want to drag them with me just for the flight, when they'd have to fly right back again.

Before long, my flight was called and I was on my way to D.C, which is where they were starting their tour (a/n: I know they didn't actually start there but this isn't real so just go with it).


A few hours later, I arrived in D.C, got off the plane and was walking through the airport after collecting my suitcase, trying to find the girls. They had insisted on picking me up themselves. I soon spotted them all standing by the windows desperately jumping up and down trying to spot me. Dinah, being the tallest, was the first to find me weaving my way through the crowds of people walking out, she shouted out my name and they all started running towards me screaming out greetings with their arms raised in the air. Within seconds I was engulfed in a massive group hug, with someones legs wrapped around my waist, and everyone else's arms and legs intertwined together. Inevitably we ended up falling to the ground, with me on the bottom, creating a massive pile of screaming girls on the floor, causing people to have to walk around whilst tutting at us. Gradually we got back up and they all individually gave me hugs saying that it was great to see me again and that we were going to have so much fun on this tour. Last to hug me was Lauren. As she pulling me into her, I inhaled her sent, she smelt as lovely as ever. I soon realised we had been hugging for a little too long and the other girls were all giving each other looks, we pulled away and Lauren looked down to the ground, blushing. I loved that I had this effect on her, I'd get my way eventually, she can't deny her feelings forever.

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