Idiotic Dreams

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Hearing the beeping of an alarm is never fun, especially when you didn't get any sleep the night before, but none the less I got up and started getting ready for the day.

I got down to the living room where Maria was. "Did you have a good birthday yesterday?" She asked, looking up from her morning coffee. "Yeah," I replied yawning, still half asleep. "It was better than most years."

A look crossed Marias face, one of worry, but it diapered as soon as it appeared and was replaced with one of happiness. "Well, that's good sweetheart. Could you feed the cat for me? I need to start working on some paperwork for the diner."

I gave a slight nod, and walked over to the kitchen side of our apartment. " 'Mere Fizzy!" I yelled, while shaking the bowl of food. No more than a second later, I watched my little chubby kitten trot down the spiral staircase to eat.

"You know, Annette," Maria said from the couch. "We may need to put that kitten on a diet, with her looking like that." I looked at the the cat, and laughed. She really did need a diet. Being the random brain it was, I all of a sudden thought of something. "Do you need me to work at the diner today? Because Jax and Jamie invited me over." Maria gave a slight nod, saying I could go and I squealed in delight.

"Thank you! I'm gonna go now." I said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and running back upstairs. I grabbed an overnight back and started packing it, because honestly, I always end up spending the night, school or not. "Okay, nightclothes, check. Toiletries, check. Phone and charger, check. I think that's everything." I grabbed the bag and ran down to the diner to leave.

"Hey Annette!" Kaitlin called as I got to the bottom of the steps. "Hey Kaitlin, how's it going?" I replied while snatching a muffin from the display case. "Oh I'm doing fine. Sully not as much though, he has a cold. But, I mean, it's not that big and he's recovering really quickly. Did you know he'll be two and a half next month? I can't believe he's getting so big. I mean, it's like he was just born yesterday!" I finished the muffin and threw away the wrapper before turning back to Kaitlin. "I hope he feels better, I hate getting colds. And I know, he's grown so much in the past year. He looks a lot like you now, but he still has most of Elliot's traits. Now, I gotta get going, I'm planning on heading to the Morison's place." After saying our goodbyes, I headed out the door and on my way.

Thankfully, it wasn't that far to the local bus station. And from there in was just a quick ride to the mansion Jax and Jamie lived in. When I first found out they were rich, I was really weirded out, since they aren't your cliche rich people. Besides the giant shopping sprees Jamie goes on, they don't really spend money that often, especially Jax. The only money he ever spends is his own. He likes working for what he has, not having it handed to him. 

I pulled the wire on the wall of the bus, signaling that I needed it to stop. When it did, I got up and walked to the front. "Thanks, Char!" I said to the bus driver while getting off. Living somewhere like Blueberry Hills, a town so small you can't even find it on google maps, you get to know everyone. 

Walking the last little bit, I finally reached my destination. And being me, I just walked in. It's not like Mr. or Mrs. Morison would care. After closing the door behind me, I continued into the entry way.

I loved and hated the walls in here. They were covered in pictures of Jax and Jamie growing up. I love looking at them when they were younger, and seeing the memories they have. But I hate the fact that they have all these memories when I don't have any except new ones. Maria never let me go back to my old home. I got all new stuff, along with an all new life.

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