Tied Up Dreams

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"ZACHERY CHRIS HAMILTON GET YOUR ASS AWAY FROM THAT CHANDELIER!!!" I yelled at the seven year old who was climbing the stack of chairs he and Milo piled up. I turned to look at the others. They were all glaring at me, no surprise there.

"You know, we wouldn't even be in this situation if it weren't for you, Annette!" Jamie said, referencing to the fact that we were all tied to chairs. "If you had just listened to us, this never woulda happened! You know, when we get out of here- if we get out of here, you are so a dead woman!"


*Four hours earlier*

I heard the doorbell ring, and watched as Jamie got up to get it. Grabbing the bowl of popcorn, I went to meet up with everyone in the screening room. As I walked in, I noticed Jessica holding the twins by their ears. "You two better behave, or I'll throw you in the gutter!" She threatened.

I stifled a giggle at their horrified faces and continued to set everything up. Eventually, everyone settled into their seat of choice. With the twins on the love seat, Jessica on the floor in a mountain of pillows, Jamie on one side of the couch, and Jax and myself on the other, we started the movie.

By the time Zootopia was over, Jamie had already fallen asleep, so we decided to put The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe to pass time. Half way through, everyone had fallen asleep, and not much later I joined them.


'Slowly, I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I was in a small white room. There was only one door and no windows, which meant no escaping. I tried to move but I was tied to a chair. "Shit!" I cursed. How am I supposed to get out this time? "Let me the f*ck out you asshat!" I screamed knowing they wouldn't leave me in here without any surveillance. With no answer I decided it was time to start thinking if a way to escape.'


Hearing a loud crash, I'm quickly awoken from that strange dream. I look up and notice that all the others are tied up- including me. Hearing the crash again, I scan the room to find the source of the noise.

My eyes landed on the twins who were piling up chairs right under the chandelier. "I'll be right back," Milo whispered. "I'm gonna go get some more chairs." With that he was off. Every once in a while Zach would our way, and I'd pretend I was asleep still like the others.

I herd Jessica groan as she woke up and took in the scene in front of her. "What. The. Hell." She bit out with venom in her voice. Thank God I was 'still asleep' or I'd be getting a mouthful of words I'd not like to repeat from her.

"You guys may wanna see this." She said to get our attention. Jax and Jamie started to stir in their sleep until they finally opened their eyes. Their jaws dropped as they looked at what the pair of seven year olds did.

By this point I'm not really that shocked. My main two questions are how, and why? How did they move four healthy teenagers and tie them up? How did they not wake us? How did they even get this idea? And just why in general? What good will this do them? I may never understand kids.

Milo walked back in carrying a few more chairs. "Here, I think that should be enough." They stacked up the last of the chairs and dusted their hands together. "I'm gonna go get a juice box, want one?" Milo asked his brother. Zach shook his head no and went back to the mountain of chairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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