Chapter Four

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The whole next morning as I got ready, I couldn't stop thinking about the events of the night before and it was bugging me. What would have happened to Carrie if Corey would have caught the two of them? I shivered at the thought.

"Come on Laney!" Konnie called, "We're going to be late for breakfast!"

"Shoot!" I muttered as I slipped my last shoe on, "Give me a minute you guys!" I called back. Two minutes later, we headed to breakfast. When we got there, I noticed there were a couple girls missing. They must have been sent home or something. Corey had to be close to making his choice already. This was going way to fast for me. I took my seat carefully and nothing feel from under me. Carrie was already at breakfast and she was avoiding Larry's gaze. He wasn't really looking at her either. Were they regretting last night's kiss?

"Good morning Lanes!" I looked up to see Corey standing behind me. He was a bit late for breakfast this morning. My face turned red, thinking about last night.

"H-Hi Core," Core? I thought, Where did that come from? He smiled at me again and went to take his seat with Kin and Kon following. The two boys said hello to Konnie and Kim before sitting down. I started to eat my breakfast, suddenly ready to start the new day. Corey gave me a suspicious look. I just smiled at him. Breakfast went by pretty quickly. 

"Hey Laney!" I turned at the sound of Kin's voice when I went to leave the room, "Do you want to ride horses or something with me today?" Kim looked at me with some type of weird emotion in her eyes. I smiled at him.

"Sure, but I'll have to change," Kin nodded.

"Meet you at the stables," I headed to my room, Kim and Konnie following. A severant helped me out of my dress as Kim spoke.

"Laney, what do you think about Kin?" I looked at her as I slipped a shirt on.

"He's cool," I responded, "Why?" Her face was slightly red. I smirked at her, "Someone has a crush!" Her face turned a darker shade of red.

"No!" She denied. Konnie and I stared her down. Kim sighed.

"Okay! Maybe I do," We cheered in victory as I finished changing.

"I'll put in a good word for you," I told her and she smiled at me. I thanked the servant and left the room to go meet Kin, not noticing that Larry was hiding around the corner.

~Laney Loves Horses Transition!~

"Wow!" I commented as Kin showed me his favorite mare. There were so many different types of horses in the stables. After Kin helped me pick one out, we rode for a while. Eventually we stopped for lunch. He had brought us food in a basket, so we had a picnic.

"Hey Laney," He suddenly spoke as I finished a sandwich. I looked at him.

"Yeah?" I asked. His face was slightly red.

"You room with Kim Kagami, right?" I nodded, wondering where he was going with this. Kin looked at the sandwich he had been eating, "Does she like Corey?" I blinked.

"What?" I asked, "Why do you want to know?" His face turned redder.

"I might have a crush on her," I tried not to squeal at his confession.

"She likes you as well!" His eyes widened in surprise.

"Really?" He asked, excited, "That's great!" We smiled at each other, glad that this would work out. 

"Kin! Kin!" We both turned to see Kon on a horse behind us, "You better hurry! Corey's sending Kim and Konnie home!" Kin jumped up and Kon helped him onto his horse. They were gone before I could speak.

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