Chapter Seven

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Corey looked at me, shocked.

"Who else knows?" He asked as he stepped closer.

"My brother," I responded, "He's the one who told me," Corey didn't seem to know what to do. Then he seemed to have had an idea.

"We need to see my parents," My eyes widened.

"No we can't!" I said to him, "Larry told me if you knew, I would have to marry you. Then Carrie can't win," Corey frowned.

"True," He said as he started to pace. Then he looked at me with a smirk on his face, "We'll just have to steal back what they have taken,"


"This is a horrible idea," I complained as Kin adjusted his device. The plan was in action. Corey was inside talking to his parents, hoping to get them to reveal what the item was so Kin could hear it with his device.

"Quiet!" Kin growled as he smirked, "I got it!" He stood up and handed me the weird device, "Hold it Laney," Minutes later Corey came out and we all knelled by the door. Kin grabbed the device and placed it on the door. He tried to listen on the queen and king's conversation. Kin smirked soon after and then looked at us, "Got it,"


I don't believe in magic, even though I've seen some magic shows before. When Kin told us it was some magic staff, I almost wanted to burst out laughing. He told us this whole story about a staff that caused great fortune or darkness upon kingdoms. After hearing the story, I could see why the staff could be important. Corey got the four of us out of the castle with the excuse that he was showing me the village. Carrie's family happened to live there.

The house looked pretty normal. I was really nervous when I thought about what we were going to do. A hand in mine got me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Corey smiling at me as he squeezed my hand. We walked through the village, Corey stopping to say hi to some of the villagers. We didn't have time for this. Eventually we made it to Carrie's home. Corey sighed as he dropped my hand.

"Well here we go," Corey lead us up and the twins took up the back. Corey knocked on the door. A girl Trina's age answered.

"Oh hello there Prince Corey!" She said with a smile, "It's been a while!"

"Hello Mina. Is your father or mother here?" I expected that they were, but Mina shook her head no.

"They're not. Did you need something?" I watched Corey, wondering what he was going to do. He smiled at her.

"Trina left something. Mind if we look for it?" Mina looked like she expected we were here for another reason, but she nodded.

"You've got five minutes," Corey frowned and then smiled again.

"That's all we'll need," The four of us went to enter before Mina spoke again.

"Only two of you can enter," She said, "Father would get mad if more than one can two come in," Corey looked at us and then smiled.

"Okay. Lanes and I will go in. Kin and Kon can stay out here," They looked upset, but nodded anyways. My heart started to race. Why did he pick me to go with him? We entered Mina's home. I only looked back once as fear filled my gut.

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