Chapter 3

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Tris POV

When we get done at the Chasm, we decide to go to sleep. Aeries and Tobias have to get their jackets back from the Pedrad apartment, so they just walk with us.

"Hey Tobias!" I whisper.

"Number one: Don't call me Tobias call me Four, I hate that name. Number two: What?"

"Lets scare Uriah and Zeke when we get back to my house, just before you leave give me a kiss."

"Sounds good."

We keep walking with Aeries, Zeke, and Uriah in front of us.

"You know I really think Zeke has a crush on Aeries" I tell Four.

"You do realize I just heard that right?" Aeries asks.

"Actually yes, I did." I respond.


We all laugh.

When we get back to our apartment, Four and Aeries grab their jackets, Four stands by the door with me, and Uriah, we are waiting on Zeke, he's over in the corner flirting with Aeries. I have my plan ready in motion. When they get ready to leave, Uri and Zeke are going to be by the door, and Aeries and Four will leave. But before they leave, I will kiss Four, then run to my room and go to sleep. While they try and comprehend it all. I have already changed into my pajamas, so I can just go straight to sleep. I am just wearing my black pajama pants, they just say "PANSYCAKE" along the side, in all the faction colors, yellow, red, grey, white, and blue. The letters dont have black-for candor and dauntless- just because my pants are already black. I am wearing my shirt that says "DAUNTLESS BORN" on the front. In white letters, with a black background.

When Zeke and Aeries finish talking, Aeries walks over to the door, with Zeke. I stand right next the the door. Aeries walks out, but not before giving Zeke a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Zeke" we hear Aeries say.

Then I lean in for Tobias to kiss me. He kisses me, and I kiss back. We both pull away.

"Okay. Night guys." Tobias says.

"Night Four, night Aeries." I say, then I turn to Uri and Zeke "Night losers" I say before running into my bedroom, and going to sleep.


Tobias POV

"So do you like her?" Aeries says.

"Did I kiss her?" I retort back, in a sarcastic and snobby tone.

"Well whatever. I like Zeke" she replies.

We decide just to go to sleep and not even worry about it until the morning.


Uriah POV

"WHAT DID SHE JUST DO" I scream at Zeke.

"I don't know. But do you think that Aeries is still awake? Should I call her?" Zeke says.

I just walk away. I just go to bed.


Tris POV

When I wake up, I have only been asleep for a few hours. I check to make sure there are no pranks, nor traps, for me. I love being on the top bunk.

I get down and go into the kitchen, grabbing a couple things for a prank: Hot sauce, Whipped cream, cream cheese, and a feather. I put the whipped cream, hot sauce, and cream cheese all into a bowl, and mix it all together with a spoon.

I take the bowl, spoon, and feather back into my room and put the mixture on Uri's hands, along with the bridge of his nose. I take the feather and tickle his nose, then I run. Back into the kitchen I go. I dump the mixture out, and wash the bowl, then spray some air freshener. Just so you can't smell the hot sauce.

I go into the bathroom, and take a shower. After I take a shower, I go into my room, and grab some clothes. I put on a black pair of skinny jeans, a black spaghetti strap tank top, with my leather jacket over top. I put on black combat boots. I wear all black, like usual.

Once I get dressed I see Uri, with a mad look on his face. Just because the hot sauce burns.

"I am going to get back at you" He says. "Here you go"

he hands me a jar of hot sauce and a spoon. I know what he wants me to do. I fill the spoon full of hot sauce and put it in my mouth. I dont even flinch.

After that Uri changes out of his pajamas, and puts on regular clothes. Then we go down to the cafeteria. Getting breakfast, and some Dauntless cake. Four sits on my left, Uriah on my right, Zeke on his right, then Aeries to the right of him.

"Hey Four" I say, then I kiss him.

"Hey" he says

"C or D at my place again?" I ask

"Sounds good" he replies.

"CANDOR OR DAUNTLESS AT THE PEDRAD PALACE TONIGHT" I anounce to our table. The only people that sit with us where there last night.

When we finish, we go off onto our own tasks, me and Uri, going to make some pranks for tonight, then the rest going to training.

Tris Pedrad~ PLOT TWIST Where stories live. Discover now