Chapter 6

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Tris POV

When we get back to my apartment, I just go straight to bed.

When I wake up the next day, I get up and take a shower. I take a long shower. I just stand there letting the warm water cleanse my body.

Once I get out I go into my closet, and put on a black crop top, black leather jacket, black jeans, and black combat boots. Again with the all black.

I wake Uri up and we go to breakfast.

Once we sit down at the table, we hear Zeke and Tobias talk about a new initiate.
"Wait are you guys talking about Percy?" I ask them
"Actually no. She right there." Zeke says pointing towards the lunch line, she just has a muffin in her hand, and them she come to sit with us.
"Then who are you talking about." I ask again.

"Wait are guys still talking about him?" Percy questions.

"Actually yes."  Tobias answers.

"Who?" I ask again.

"Caleb Prior." Zeke tells me.

"Wait Caleb Prior. Daughter, I mean son of Andrew and Natalie Prior?"

"Yes." I hear Zeke say.

"But I thought he was an Erudite? Didn't he just switch also? Like he is a year ahead in school so he is 15."

"Yes he was an Erudite. But he didn't want to be an Erudite anymore after three days. So he decided to go to Dauntless." Percy says.

"Wait so you can just switch again?"

"Yeah but you only get to switch twice. This was his last time." Percy tells me.

Just when she finishes that sentence a boy walks through the hallway and into the cafeteria. He has dirty blond hair, black glasses, and he stands about my height. He actually kind of looks like me if he where to take off his glasses.

"Is that him?" I ask Percy.

"Yup. That's Caleb Prior." She answers back.

I go to throw my trash away and I accidentally bump into him, knocking off his glasses.

"Please don't hit me!" he begs, while guarding his face.

"Um why would I hit you." I ask him.

"Well I have already been beat up today, by a guy named by a number. And I see you are a Pedrad twin, and you are a Dauntless Prodigy." he tells me.

"Well I wont hit you. But you'll have to give me a minute." I tell him.

He nods, telling me that it's okay.

I walk over to Tobias' and Zekes table, and see they're talking to Anthony. He's a dauntless born, he's also known as being a Dauntless prodigy, but I don't know who's better, me or him. He has short brown hair, pale, and is about 5'6. He has a twin sister, and they're like me and Uriah. Weird, and idiots sometimes.

"Excuse me Anthony, but I need to borrow Four." I spit out the words like they are venom.

I grab Tobias by his ear, and start to drag him over to where I left Caleb.

"Here you go Caleb, take a swing." He swings him hand right to Tobias' face, straight in the mouth, giving him a fat lip.

"Good aim." I tell him.

"Not really." he says "I was aiming for his nose."

I laugh and walk over to where Aeries is, she looks mad.

"Why did you let him do that?" she questions angrily.

I explain to her the story, and walk back over to where Anthony is, he is now accompanied by his twin, Kaelynne.

"Anthony, I heard that they got new punching bags in the training room, me and Uricorn where going to go try them out. You and Kae wanna come with?" I ask him

"Wait we were?" Uri questions.

"Yes you idiot." I tell him.

I do this to him all the time, I tell him there are new punching bags, he falls for it, we go to the training room, and there is either a prank for him, or I just plain punch him, and then we go out on the mat, to fight.

"Okay lets go. Are you two coming with?" He asks Anthony and Kaelynne.

"Yes moron." they say in unison.

When we get to the training room, I take off my leather jacket and combat boots, so I'm just in a crop top and some jeans.

I  punch Uriah, and we go out on the mat. Anthony and Kaelynne count us off, and we start fighting. He starts my punching me in the stomach, but it doesn't affect me. I pretend to be hurt, and he gives me sympathy, he kneels down next to me, and I pop up, and jump on his back, so he falls to the floor. I sit on his back until he cant get up, then get off.

"Whose the looser now?" I ask him.

He gives me a nasty look.

I walk over to the knife throwing station, and pick up three knives. I throw my first one hitting the target.

"Hey how about you try something hard for once?" Anthony tells me while laughing.

"Okay. You pick the target." I tell him "And everybody has to take a shot at it"

After I say that last sentence Kaelynne gets worried. She isn't a Dauntless prodigy like me and Anthony, shes actually like Uriah instead.

"Okay, the target across the room." He points to the targets across the room. There are targets on both sides of the room, so we don't have to share.

I grab the knife with the red end, Anthony grabs the blue, Kaelynne grabs the green, and Uriah being weird, grabs the regular one, without color.

"Okay Anthony you first." I tell him.

He aims, and throws. It hits the line or the circle, outlining the center. Then Uriah throws, missing the target completely. Then it's Kaelynne's turn, she throws, and hits the target, but its not that close to the center. I throw the knife in the air, catch it and release it, without even thinking. It hits the dead middle.

All three of them look at me with a look of disgust. Then we hear Percy walk in the door.



We decide to go back to my apartment.

"Bea. Did you forget something?" Anthony asks me. Then I remember that I left my boots and jacket. I shrug, I can get them later.

"Dude we are not five anymore. Stop calling me Bea. It's just Tris." I tell him

"NEVER MUHAHAHA" he tells me.

"Okay. Whatever Annie."

"Okay yeah, lets not do that anymore." he tells me looking embarrassed.

I laugh.

Tris Pedrad~ PLOT TWIST Where stories live. Discover now