139 12 11

10 years previous

I stood in confusion for a bit, watching as he ran through the double doors and onto that bus leaving me for what was probably forever. But after a while the motion detector in the hallway went off and the lights turned off leaving me in darkness. I sighed in defeat and turned away pushing out into the darkness maybe making it a bit darker. Each of my steps left a disappearing mark like footsteps in sand. When I got to my shitty apartment I kicked off my shoes and feel on my bed linking my hands behind my head and staring at the ceiling. My head swirled around and around thinking about him, and how every single one of my dreams had just come true in one night. Maybe I should've made more of it, maybe I shouldn't have gone at all, but it was so worth it. The front door started to jiggle with the key in the slot and I sighed. Patrick came through the door belting out a new lyric and melody that he would probably never get anywhere, taking off his old work fedora and hanging it on the chair by the door.

"Patrick! Some of us are trying to sleep... please shut the fuck up." I groaned closing my eyes and turning away.

"Dallon... no one cares." He said stripping off his cardigan and settling down into the twin bed next to mine. Our apartment was shitty. Like really shitty, but we didn't care. We were two best friends, living the American dream even if it meant two jobs and no sleep. We were going to be bigger than what our parents told us we could be, though that meant sharing a bed with a cockroach for a few months. "Take a sleeping pill watch Breakfast At Tiffany's and please shut the fuck up."

"Someone's cranky." I said rolling over and pulling out a bottle of medication, ripping my head back and swallowing two of my pills. I rested my head back on my pillow and shut my eyes. "How was your night?"

"Tips were slow... again no one cared."

"You'll get it one day. One person that's all it takes." I said with a sigh feeling the effects of the sleeping pill kick in. My eyes began to feel heavy, and I let out another sigh.

"Sure Dal Pal... whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Nothing does."

"Touché," Patrick said through a heavy breath.

I groaned in frustration running my hands down my face, "I hate my life..."

"What happened to you tonight?" He asked untying his shoes and turning on the tv. It was already on the classic movie channel, the only channel that i would watch.

"I went to my concert right? Backstage pass, I hung out with Brendon fucking Urie, and then he did just that."

"What?" Patrick stuttered not understanding why i had said that.

"Think about it."

"Oh my god!" He said inhaling sharply in surprise, "You had sex with Brendon Urie?!"

"I did."

"Was it good?!" He almost yelled now standing up red faced and all.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "that is absolutely none of your business..."

"Fine. asshole..."

"Its a nice ass." I said with a titter of laughter.

"Obviously." He sat back down and exhaled heavily, "Jesus Christ! Wow..." he trailed off leaving me alone to my thoughts for a few seconds. "Did you get anything in return?" He asked piercing the veil of silence.

"I got a phone number... probably a rejection hotline."

"Text it and find out."

"I don't want to seem that desperate..." I responded closing my eyes.

"Where's the number ill do it." I heard his weight shift on his bed and his footsteps on the dirty carpet before he tackled me.

"PATRICK STUMP! What the actual fuck are you doing?!" I yelled rolling away from him.

"Give me the number!"








"Please?" He intertwined his fingers together and begged through his tears of laughter.

"Fuck you Patrick..." I handed him my phone.

"Thank god." He took my phone and looked at the slip of paper I had handed him. Typing something quickly, he sighed and looked up at me. "Brendon... tonight was great. We should do it again sometime... sound good?"

"Ohmygod! No please!"

"Too late... already pressed send." Turning away on his heels, he tossed my phone back on my bed. I scrambled to grab it and open my phone to check. Thanking god, I let out a sigh when he had only sent and innocent 'hi :)'.

"I hate you Patrick Martin Stumph..."

"Patrick Vaughn Stump to you, bitch." He said laying back on his bed.

"Since when?" I said with a giggle.

"Since I told you that I changed my name last year!"

"Yeah I know Patrick... I'm not an idiot."

"Look like it to me..."

"Shut up."

"You're not denying it."

"I told you to shut up." Then my phone buzzed and mid argument we froze.


I moved slowly reaching for my phone with a heavy feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

Hey. -B


"I don't know! What to say to a famous guy you just fucked?!" We were panicking. Red faced and absolutely clueless.

"Google it!!" I said trying to come up with something. My hands were shaking just with the thought of him.

"Dallon... you want me to google exactly what I just said?"

"I don't know but we need to come up with something!!" My voice screeched and broke with stress.

We're staying in Cali a little longer. Coffee tmrw?-B

"Ohmygodohmygod." I inhaled sharply raising my hand to my mouth. "He wants to go out for coffee tomorrow morning."

Sounds gr8... when and where and I'll be there.

9... the Starbucks on Mulhollqnd Drive? -B

"Patty... Ima die!"

Awesome. See you then.

Alright... x -B



"What does 'x' mean?"

"He sent you an x?"

"Yah. What does that mean?"

"He sent you a fucking kiss, idiot!"

Hi... sorry this took so long, but it's long. I love you guys, and thank you for reading. Next chapter will be in the present tense.


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