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Song of the chapter is just give me a reason by p!nk thanks to angeleyes-demonsoul
I woke up with a yawn and rolled over finding the other side of the bed warm. Memories of the night before came back to me and I realized that I was with him. I realized all of the words that had come out of my mouth. I groaned and stretched out before turning over and seeing the empty bed next to mine. I sat straight up and couldn't see either Brendon or Rilee in the room.

"Riles?" No response. "Bren?" I got up from the bed and walked gingerly around the room looking for either of them. When I had checked whole room and couldn't find them I ran to my suitcase, grabbed my jacket and jerked the door open to leave. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the tune of the elevator ding. I heard Rilee's giggles and smiled to myself. He came out of the elevator smiling with Brendon close behind him.

"OHHHHH who lives in a pineapple under the sea?!" Brendon sang digging deep into his vibrato.

"SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!" Rilee cheered back to him. I was so focused on what they were doing that I hadn't noticed that Brendon had stopped in the middle of the hallway, a box of doughnuts in his hands, with a blank expression on his face. He held Rilee's hand tight in his and continued his way down the hall pushing past me and rushing straight to the kitchen. I followed close behind until I tried to get back in the room and he slammed the door in my face.

"Fuck..." I whispered resting my head against the door that was probably crawling with germs. "Brendon please!" I knocked on the door quietly and heard nothing but soft laughter from the other side. I slid down the doorframe and sat there for a while. I counted the second up to one hundred and then relaxed. One. Two. Three. "Brennnn..." I moaned quietly. Then the door jerked open and I fell back with a gasp.

"Your time out is over now." He said leaving the door open for me. I got up slowly and walked back into the room silently. I trudged into the kitchen area and sat down at the little kitchen table where Rilee was sitting and picking at a brightly colored sprinkled doughnut.

"Hi daddy." Rilee said softly with a slight smile present on his lips.

"Hi baby... how'd you sleep?"

"Good! I like sleeping in a big bed." He said happily, taking a big bite of the doughnut and getting it all over his face.

"Then we'll have to get you a big boy bed as soon as we get home wont we?"

"Yes please." He giggles and i ruffled up his blonde curls.

"I love you buddy..."

"I love you too daddy."

"Pack up your stuff... we'll be leaving in a few hours." Brendon said harshly before heading back into the kitchenette. I stood, rushing to the kitchen to talk to him. I had to make it somewhat right.

"Look... I'm sorry about last night. I was being a dick."

"Yeah, you were."

"I drank a little too much... I do that a lot now. Too much. Too often."

"I've noticed."

"I'm sorry," I took a breath, "I want you to know that I want to fix us too. I want it to be like before. I want you to love me the same way you did before Ryan, but it's something we both have to work on." I ran my fingers through my hair exhaling softly.

"I know. Where can we start?" He said stepping close to me. He held out his hand to me and i put mine in his.

"I'm not exactly sure..." I responded astounded at his contact.

"Can I have a kiss?" He said weakly holding onto both of my hands by now. I nodded and placed a finger under his chin tilting his hand so i could see into his eyes. He stood higher on his toes and matched his lips to mine perfectly. It was just a peck. A starting point. A place where we could begin again. "I missed those lips."

Hi guys update for you. I love you all

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