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Molly by lil dicky and Brendon is le song of le chapter
Present(Rilee's POV)

There was something wrong. I knew there was a long time ago. All the times that papa wouldn't come home, and I would go visit daddy, but he was blank. I wanted to see papa, and I wanted daddy to love papa. I knew that daddy loved papa almost more than me, but it was hard to tell. Every night when I asked he made papa seem like a super hero. A man better than Spider-Man or even the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He was great. My papa was amazing, but I never got to see him. Sometimes daddy would go out and leave me with Breezy. I loved being with Breezy and I sometimes wondered why daddy couldn't love Breezy. I asked him once and he said he could only love my papa. Something about how he couldn't stand boobs, but I looked up the word in the dictionary and I didn't understand. Daddy tells me that I'm smart for my age. Maybe it's because I know all my ABC's and can count to 100, or that I can read all the books that he leaves me on my nightstand and even some of the other ones in the cupboard. I don't really like the picture books, but would rather read charlottes web with daddy. He doesn't know that I can read all the words on the page. I guess that makes me smarter than the other kids like Bronx or Bandit.

"Daddy?" I say looking up from the picture I was coloring.

"Yes Riles?" He responds sitting in the chair by the window reading a newspaper.

"What're you reading?"

"An newspaper buddy, wanna sit with me?" He asks and I nod my head, grabbing my worn out copy of Charlottes web from my suitcase and climbing up in his lap. "Want to read that together?"

"No daddy I can do it. Merci." I said happily smiling at the use of my new word.

"Where did you learn that word buddy?"

"Papa taught me. He said he knew someone who spoke France."

"French, Riles, the language is called French." Daddy smiled and laughed, ruffling up my hair.

"Bonjour!" I said loudly with a giggle. I even made daddy laugh. "Where'd papa go?"

"He had to do some last minute stuff for his friends." Daddy said getting a sad kinda look on his face.

"Okay." I said happily returning to the book in front of me.


Dallon's POV - earlier that morning

"Dallon, can you come here?" Brendon called me from the front door. He was clutching an assortment of magazines and newspapers in his hand with a worried look in his eyes. I got up from where i was sitting and walked to him, my stomach turning in nervousness.

"What is it?"

"Look." He shoved the papers in my hands, and immediately i knew.


Our favorite ship was seen at Griffith Park with their three year old son in what appeared to be a heated argument. The couple has been suspected of a separation since last year when Brendon was seen in public with his new tour manager Ryan Ross, but could they be trying again? Last year Brendon publicly commented on the issue last year saying, "Things haven't been right for a while, we're just going to explore our options right now," in an interview with one of our sources. Dallon has receded from the bright lights of Brendon's fame since their son was born in late 2013, when he opted to stay home and play housewife. But what the public really want to know is if they will be able to see Brallon back together or not....

I set the paper down on the table next to me and sank down into the seat nearest me. "Woah..."

"Yeah... Zack called me in for an emergency interview, that needs to be taken care of." He said rubbing his neck nervously.

"What're you gunna say?"

"I'm going to say we're done exploring our options... that's what we've decided. Right?" He said stepping closer to me.

"I think so... I never really wanted to explore my options, but that's done now." He came and knelt down in front of me.

"I'm sorry, this could've all been avoided if I hadn't have been such a stuck up asshole that didn't appreciate the beautiful man that I got to call my husband. You have no idea..."

"It's alright... let's stop apologizing, and just work on making it better okay?"


"Now kiss me you stuck up asshole." I said with a smile.

"Okay beautiful husband." He sat up and matched his lips to mine, and I wondered how many of these kisses I had missed in the past year. It was like a huge wave rising up and crashing over my head and threatening to pull me with it. It was an exceptional feeling. One that i could only match with this kiss, and I was so in love with it. He pulled away but lingered, his nose centimeters away and fingertips still feathering lightly over my cheek. "I love you, God I love you so much."

"I love you too Beebo..." He smiled and shifted away from me.

"I have to get ready for this interview... what should i wear?"

"Nothing." I muttered.


"Oh uh, classy, just a white button up and a nice pair of jeans?" I said acting oblivious.


I furrowed my brow in confusion, "What? I didn't say anything." He walked out to the bathroom before raising his hand and waggling his hips.

"I heard that Weekes!"

"No you didn't!"


"Are you here in response if the articles that have been published recently about you and Dallon?" The woman asked Brendon. You could tell he was nervous just by the way he sat. He was uptight and stern, but still had his trademark smirk glued to his lips.

"Yes ma'am."

"These sorts of articles have questioned yours and Dallon's relationship before right?"

"That would be correct, and they had a right to at the beginning. I chose this life which gives all of them the 'right' to peek into my life." He said nodding his head,

"We've heard you say that before?"

"I live by it... when you've been in the public eye for more than 10 years you get used to no privacy."

"So what changed this time?"

"This time they used my son. Rilee is three years old, he's so sweet and so god damn smart, but he is not theirs."

"That makes sense Brendon, so what do you want to say?"

"They deserve the truth... everyone does." He took a deep breath and so did I. I felt like I was right with him sitting next to him or in the green room. "One year, four months and 12 days ago I left for my international tour with a new tour manager. Many of you know him... Ryan Ross. I was lonely and tired. Away from home and stressed out in countries I didn't know. So we became more than friends. I destroyed my marriage and then hid it from Dallon. When he came to visit me at the forum with Rilee I figured that he would sense something between Ryan and I, and sure enough he did. We fought and I told him to leave and that I didn't want him anymore." His voice broke and he avoided her eyes. "But yes we were separated, yes I ruined it, but we're fixing it now. No celebrity divorce here."

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