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  Spottedleaf caught up with Firestar and the two cats walked side by side, flanks brushing. "It's great to be with you again." Spottedleaf murmured softly. Firestar glanced down at the pretty tortoise-shell cat, and nodded. 

  "Yes," he agreed. 

  "I never really got to be with you in the old ThunderClan camp," Spottedleaf added. Her heart bloomed with envy and impatience, but she gazed up at Firestar with adoring, beautiful eyes. She summoned all her kindness and expressed it in her eyes.

   "Well, aren't you getting to know me now?" Firestar answered back, looking deep into her kind eyes. He breathed in her sweet scent, and unconsciously their tails twined together. "Spottedleaf?" He pressed when she didn't answer him. 

  Her eyes were sad and she looked down at the ground. She shuffled her paws and broke away. "I'm sorry I was never such a good friend. I-I should have been there with you, but destiny did not permit. But now, if I did live long enough to see you join StarClan, maybe fate wants us to be together now," she whispered. "Oh Firestar, I'm sorry." She sighed and closed her eyes. 

  Firestar curled his tail and touched her cheek, "It's not your fault, Spottedleaf. Anyways, I'm here now. With you. There's nothing to be sad about." He licked the fur between her ears gently. "Now, what was it you wanted to show me?" 

  Spottedleaf got onto her paws, and sprinted across the ground towards a different direction. Firestar, a bit startled at how suddenly she sped away, quickly gathered his thoughts and raced after her. What was wrong with Spottedleaf? He thought. This was not the normal she-cat he adored and liked, almost loved. Although he hated to admit it, Spottedleaf was up to something. 

  Spottedleaf finally stopped at the edge of a small pool. She glanced back at Firestar and meowed gently, "Come, Firestar." Firestar, relieved that Spottedleaf was acting a bit more normal, padded towards her. He sat next to her and curled his tail around her body. "Look into the pool," Spottedleaf said. 

  Firestar looked into the pool and gasped. He was looking over the whole Clan territories from a bird-eye view. "It's...it's the Clans." He said. 

  Spottedleaf purred and laid her head on his shoulder. "Yes, yes it is. Firestar, I never stopped looking after you as you led ThunderClan. I'm so proud of you." 

  Firestar glanced down at his friend and licked her ear. "Thank you, Spottedleaf. I'm honored that such a kind cat was watching after me." He purred, and then remembered Sandstorm. "Is there anyway to check on Sandstorm?" 

  There it was again! Spottedleaf's eyes darkened, then it cleared as she nodded quickly. "Of course!" She purred. "I'm sure Sandstorm's fine." She glanced into the pool and tapped on the ThunderClan side. It zoomed straight into the woods, and Firestar quickly recognized it. 

 "We're near the old Thunderpath!" He exclaimed. 

  Spottedleaf leaned forward and mewed in her sweet tone, "Camp." 

  The pool zoomed once again towards the hollow. Firestar looked around, and saw Sandstorm talking with Graystripe. His heart warmed as he saw his mate and best friend. Then he noticed Brambleclaw talking quietly to Jayfeather. "Is he going to the Moonpool tonight? To meet StarClan?" Firestar asked curiously 

  "Yes." Spottedleaf nodded. "And you said something wrong there."

  Firestar cocked his head in confusion, "What?" 

  "Brambleclaw's going to meet us." 


  Firestar stepped back and watched as Bramblestar faded from view to return back to the Clans. Happiness blossomed in him. ThunderClan was in good hands. He turned and padded out of the clearing. He headed back to the Clearing and met Spottedleaf there. 

  "Do you want to go on a walk?" He asked, not ready to go to sleep yet. He was anxious to tell someone about his problems. 

  Spottedleaf nodded and gracefully leaped to his side. So graceful... He thought. "What do you want to talk about?" Spottedleaf asked in her soft meow, nuzzling him. He returned the nuzzle, and then a memory was stirred from the back of his mind. He remembered doing the exact same thing to a special cat...the cat who stole his heart. Sandstorm. 

  What was he doing with Spottedleaf? He was betraying Sandstorm, that's what. Firestar stepped back. He needed to clear his mind. This wasn't betraying Sandstorm! It was...it was...being friendly. Spottedleaf needed this. And she was his best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. 

  Firestar managed to shoot a kind smile to Spottedleaf, "It's okay. Go back to my nest and sleep. I'll join you later." He mumbled, then turned and ran away. He just needed time to think things through! 

  With an aching heart, he realized he needed Sandstorm more then ever. 

Author's note: Hi there! :) Hope you're enjoying this story so far. I know, I know, an overload of Spottedleaf and Firestar's parts together...So for a start I'll write about Firestar thinking of Sandstorm in the next chapter. Sorry for the short chap, too! 

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