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  For once, Firestar blamed Sandstorm. 

  It was always him that was forced to crawl to Sandstorm...Well, actually that wasn't entirely true, but during the past few days that had happened. Firestar hardened his heart and hunted a squirrel down.  

  If Sandstorm was lonely, she would come back to him, not him to her.

  No, not anymore. 


  Sandstorm found a quiet spot, then looked around to check whether anyone was nearby. After scenting the air, she then yowled loudly in anger and pain. Why did this have to happen to me? After venting out her emotions, she took a deep breath and replayed all the happy memories of her and Firestar. 

  Just when she reached the end of one particular funny one, Bluestar appeared from the surrounding undergrowth. Her eyes were soft and understandable, and she touched noses with Sandstorm in greeting. "Greetings, Sandstorm. I see you have joined StarClan as well. I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you when you joined StarClan in the beginning, but I had business to do; and I expect you did too." 

  Sandstorm sighed and kneaded the ground. "You know about Firestar?" 

  Bluestar touched her nose to Sandstorm's ear comfortingly. "Yes, Sandstorm. He told me of his problems, in fact. I did not broach the subject." Bluestar said, sitting down calmly in front of her Clanmate. "Do you want to release your feelings?"


  "Oh boy." A voice interrupted Sandstorm, and both she-cats' looked up to see Yellowfang standing there. "Is it about Firestar?" Yellowfang asked sharply. 

  "How'd you guess?" Sandstorm said sourly, though she was faintly happy to see the old cat. 

  Yellowfang padded nearer and sat down a little distance from them, but still in ear shot. "Well then, I will listen to this." 

  Bluestar rolled her eyes, "Yellowfang..."

  "What?" Yellowfang said grumpily, challenging the leader, and Sandstorm purred at how the former medicine cat was acting. Yellowfang gnashed her teeth and stubbornly stayed there. "I will listen and no one's going to change it."

  Sandstorm looked straight into Yellowfang's eyes. "And I suppose you have experienced this feeling before to make you this interested?" 

  Yellowfang faltered slightly, and her barrier of pride crumbled a little. "Yes." She murmured softly, closing her eyes as she remembered Raggedstar and...and... Her barrier reinforced again. "Yes. Anyways, I'm the perfect councilor for you. Go on!" 

  "This is unusual," Bluestar commented, eyes sparkling with amusement and fondness for Yellowfang. 

   Yellowfang shot them with a piercing glare that did not allow further delay, and Sandstorm began. 

  When she had finished, she glanced around to see the older cats' expression. Yellowfang's eyes were clouded and her gaze was distant, but Bluestar was present. Her eyes were pitiful but angry as well.  

  "I never knew Spottedleaf could do this." Bluestar said softly, "But for love, that is possible." Her eyes softened even more as she thought of her past, and didn't realize that Sandstorm had flinched at those words; Sandstorm felt hatred overcoming her thoughts once she heard Bluestar. 

  Didn't she deserve love? Spottedleaf is so selfish..

  "Spottedleaf is not as selfish as you think, though." Bluestar said, reading Sandstorm's thoughts. "You cannot have known how long she has been walking StarClan, waiting for Firestar. The battle in the Dark Forest was a narrow escape. Can you imagine?"

  Bitterly, Sandstorm accepted the truth, but dark thoughts still raced through her mind. "Yes, I can imagine. Everyday in ThunderClan without Firestar was agony. But when I lived in ThunderClan with him, I had to always wonder whether he loved me or Spottedleaf more. Well now we know." She paused, then continued, "At least Spottedleaf got to visit him in his dreams..." She choked in grief, then cleared her throat and composed herself. She continued, "Whereas Firestar didn't care to check on me." 

  "Maybe he did." Bluestar mewed gently. "I spoke to him, you know." 

  Sandstorm sighed and laid her head on her paws. "Everything's just so confusing. I keep on having these emotions, over and over again. It's tiring and wearing me out. I thought this is StarClan. Everything should be perfect!"


  For once, Yellowfang was back again. Her tone was full of grief, pain, and anger. "StarClan can never be perfect for it is overshadowed by one thing and one thing only." 

  "What is that?" Sandstorm asked curiously. 

  Yellowfang looked down at her paws and the conversation with Yellowfang was over. She was lost in thought once more. Sandstorm looked inquiringly at Bluestar, but the former leader shook her head. She would not tell Sandstorm anymore as well. 

  She pushed away the frustration of the cats. Why did they always speak in riddles? Might as well speak nothing of a subject when not wanting to complete it. "What should I do about Firestar?" Sandstorm changed the subject, begging Bluestar. She rarely showed this side of her, but when she began, she could hardly stop.

  Bluestar sighed and twitched her ears. "That is what you have to decide yourself, Sandstorm. You are an attentive and intelligent she-cat, Sandstorm. You can figure something out. Firestar has decided his move. What is yours?" 

  "Wait. What?" Sandstorm wondered. What was Firestar's decision? 

  Maybe to move on without me, Sandstorm thought sadly. She shook her head and glanced at Bluestar. "I-I too have already made a decision, and I have told Firestar that. I can live with it." She mewed, raising her sandy colored head defiantly when Bluestar stared at her with a 'really?' look.

  "Whatever you think, Sandstorm. But ask yourself this-is that decision really true?" Bluestar said, standing up and stretching. 

  "I can withstand the loneliness." Sandstorm mewed back, not allowing the doubt she really felt to enter her voice.

  "Whatever you choose, Sandstorm. But remember what I have told you." Bluestar said, and nudged Yellowfang. Yellowfang was jolted out of her thoughts, then nodded at Bluestar. 

  "You go first." The former ThunderClan medicine cat mewed hoarsely. 

  Bluestar left, and Sandstorm glanced at the old she-cat. Yellowfang twitched her ears, then stood up. Sandstorm thought she was also going to leave, and so she stood up as well. She turned away, but then there was a presence beside her. 

  Yellowfang's voice murmured in her ear, "Don't make the same mistake as I did. Give Firestar another chance." 

  Then the medicine cat was gone. 

  Sandstorm closed her eyes and listened to the bird song. Give him another chance. The words lingered in her mind, rocking her to sleep. 

Author's Note: Amazing. I still have time to write two chapters in a day. With my exams coming up. DX I guess I just wanted a break... See ya'! 


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