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"Mouse dung!"

Firestar hissed as he fell into a deep hole that had been covered with leaves and camouflaged with the forest floor. After calming himself, he looked around. No escape. Sighing, he cleared his throat to yowl, "Help me!"

Hoping silently that someone would hear him, he tried again, "Please! Anyone? Help me!"

When no one came, he sat down and continued yelling. It's StarClan! Why was nobody around? He called again and again until his voice went hoarse. Giving up, he started kneading the ground.

A few minutes later there was a scuffling noise. Was it a mouse?

Firestar stood up and called once again, "Hello? Anyone there? Please, help me!" The scuffling noise stopped, and Firestar lashed his tail in frustration. Just as he was about to sit down again, he started when a branch was shoved through the hole, landing just an inch from his face.

Relief flooded him as he started to climb up, but it broke halfway and he landed on the ground, paws hurting with scratches. Staring crossly upwards, he mewed, "Um, the branch broke!"

A sweet, familiar scent wafted down into the hole, but unlike before, anger filled him. "Spottedleaf!" He snapped. A cold feeling overwhelmed him, making his voice sharper and stronger.

"What is it?"

"Let me out of here!" Firestar hissed angrily.

"I don't know why you're so angry at me, Firestar." Spottedleaf replied back, poking her head over the hole. There was something wrong about Spottedleaf, and Firestar sensed that, but...

"You did a lot of things to me, Spottedleaf. Of course I have the right to be angry!" He spat, unsheathing his claws.

"And I too. You know how much I suffered up here in StarClan while you betrayed me to Sandstorm?" Spottedleaf snapped back, her voice harsh and unfamiliar. Firestar was taken aback. Did...Spottedleaf just do that? "Answer me!" She hissed, breaking him out of his reverie.

Firestar bared his teeth back. "You never seemed to mind."

"I wanted you to be happy, Firestar. Because I love you, and I still do. Why didn't you see my pain?"

"You didn't allow me to see it." Firestar replied, his hackles slowly falling as Spottedleaf's voice grew softer and softer.

"Do you want to change that?" Spottedleaf asked.

Firestar gritted his teeth and looked away. How could he give her one more chance? He had lost two cats, and it would be safer not to have any now... But he was given a choice. At least one still wanted him. He looked back up at Spottedleaf, finally deciding.



"I'm sorry, but no."

Author's Note:

I'm sorry it's so short! DX My exams are over (thankfully) and I'm kinda free, but I still have a few more exams to do... so ya. I just wanted to post a chapter for those who are still reading.

Thank you guys!


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