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  Firestar blinked in surprise. She knew? 

  Suddenly his world crashed down around him. His body shut down as his mind buzzed with thoughts and confusion. He took a deep breath. He had meant that he was not dumb...well, he knew Spottedleaf was playing with him... 

  But...how? How can he be sure? And for Spottedleaf to admit it so easily...

  He lashed his tail in frustration and turned to Spottedleaf. "What did you say to Sandstorm that night?" 

  Spottedleaf let a look of surprise and kindness slip over her face. "Why, Firestar, are you doubting me?" 

  "Just answer my question!" Firestar snapped impatiently. 

  Spottedleaf purred and curled her tail around her paws. Gently she said, "I told her that you were worried and would like to see her tomorrow night. I also asked her how was her shoulder, knowing she was hurt." 

  "She said something about decision." Firestar answered back sharply.

  Spottedleaf took her time, and said coolly, "I do not know what she meant of that. All I know of that is by guessing, which I have already told you of." 

  Firestar's fury extinguished. How could he have doubted Spottedleaf? Sweet, nice Spottedleaf... It was Sandstorm's fault! Then he rethought again.

  After all these years of being her mate, didn't he know her well enough that whatever she said had truth behind it? That she was as sharp as a flint, and chose her words carefully. Also, she made her decisions perfectly and well-thought of...

  And him? 


  All he did was depend and depend. Firestar looked down at his paws. But couldn't he trust Spottedleaf as well? Except...he never knew what happened between the two she-cats during their meeting. Frustration gnawed at him. Then he looked up tiredly at Spottedleaf. 

  He would just go with the flow. He badly wanted to talk to Sandstorm but knew that she did not want to cross paths intentionally with him ever again. "Okay. Let's go back to StarClan, Spottedleaf." 

  Spottedleaf licked his cheek, "It's okay, alright? I'm here. Don't ponder on this anymore. Sandstorm can make her own decisions." 

  Firestar managed to give Spottedleaf a tired nod before they padded up into the sky and into StarClan. But not before Firestar looked back down and spotted the tiny group of cats against the horizon, silhouetted in the setting sun. 


  Firestar padded over to the river and lapped a few mouthfuls of water before he laid down beside it, staring into the river. Sighing, he glanced up at the sky and just relaxed for a second, clearing out whatever had happened in the previous days...

  Firestar was again reminded of Sandstorm, and he groaned in annoyance. Why couldn't he stop thinking about her? Why? They were OVER.

  Firestar stood up and tried clearing his thoughts by taking a walk through the forest. Spottedleaf was somewhere visiting the medicine cats that had visited StarClan that day, and Firestar was grateful for the space to breathe. 

  He padded into a clearing and sat down, breathing heavily. Just then, there was a rustle in the bushes and Littlecloud appeared. He looked puzzled and confused, but when he looked at Firestar warmth filled his eyes. "Oh, hello Firestar! Can you tell me where is ShadowClan? No one was here to meet me."

  "In StarClan we roam in each other's borders. I'll help you find Runningnose." Firestar said, standing up and stretching. He led Littlecloud to a small, unused path.

 The oak trees were ancient and stately, their branches meeting over the middle of the path. The sun was out, and golden rays pierced the interlaced branches overhead, casting a vagrant warmth. It warmed their pelts as they padded side-by-side towards a boggy patch of ground where Firestar had last seen ShadowClan eating their meals. "So, how's life in ShadowClan?"

  "Perfect! Except Needlepaw had to run off without telling her Clanmates where she is. We're worried about her. Some of the ThunderClan's cats has also journeyed off somewhere, including Sandstorm." Littlecloud added, not knowing of the split between the two mates. He brightened as he thought of something, mewing, "Hey, can you help see whether Needlepaw and the rest are alright?" 

  Firestar blinked at the old cat. "Um, of course! Of course I can. Needlepaw is fine. I just checked on them a few...a day ago." With a jolt he realized that it had been so short a time. 

  Littlecloud purred and said, "That's great, Firestar. Thank you." 

  They reached the clearing and Littlecloud spotted Runningnose at once. "There he is! Thank you, Firestar." Littlecloud nodded at the former leader and walked slowly towards Runningnose. Firestar sighed. Littlecloud was so old! It was his time to join StarClan, and yet he didn't have an apprentice yet...

  Firestar turned and just wondered through the forest, blocking out his thoughts and just concentrating on the view. 

  Firestar had been walking for some time until he finally reached the borderline of StarClan. Beyond it was a black, dark forest. Firestar knew what it was. The Place of No Stars, or the Dark Forest....There was many names to it. 

  Firestar turned away in disgust when he heard a tiny mew. 

  "Can you please help me?" 

  Firestar looked up, surprised. Then he saw Mosskit, Bluestar's kit stuck in a tangle of brambles. "Mosskit, what are you doing here? Where's Bluestar or Snowfur? I thought they were supposed to be-" 

  Mosskit sighed impatiently. "Firestar, please get me out."

  Firestar stared at her. "Tell me why you're out here alone." 

  Mosskit groaned, then reluctantly said, "Fine. I-I ran away from them. Okay? Swiftpaw and I were playing hide and seek when I got stuck in these brambles! Anyways, I'm allowed to roam about. This is StarClan! Nothing bad can happen to me here." 

  It can. It can hurt so bad. Firestar thought inwardly, and his heart wrenched painfully. Gently, he untangled the little kit and she gratefully licked his paw. "Thanks, Firestar!" Then she bounced off. 

  "Please be careful!" Firestar said, looking fondly at the energetic kit. Mosskit looked back, her eyes sparkling. 

  "I will....as best as I can." She blinked cheekily, then raced off before Firestar could call her back. Firestar rolled his eyes at the boldness of Mosskit, then turned back to look at the black expanse of the Dark Forest. 

  Finally, when he realized the sun was almost rising, he headed back to the Clearing. 

  Spottedleaf was waiting there anxiously, and Firestar could obviously see her relief when he appeared. "Firestar! There you are. I was searching everywhere for you. Here, eat." Spottedleaf nudged a thrush towards Firestar. 

  Firestar pushed the thrush away and gazed deeply into Spottedleaf's eyes. "Spottedleaf, I need you to promise me this."  

  Spottedleaf blinked in surprise, then nodded cautiously. "Okay. What?" 

  Firestar touched his nose to her ear gently. "Promise never to leave me again, okay? Or to ever lie." 

  Spottedleaf purred softly and licked his muzzle. Then she blushed and grabbed the thrush in her jaws. Dropping it at his paws, she nodded firmly at it. "Eat."

  Firestar ate the thrush hungrily. After eating, he yawned and asked Spottedleaf to go on a walk with him. 

  Firestar and Spottedleaf walked together under the shady trees, enjoying each other's company and the fresh breeze. Firestar twined his tail around Spottedleaf and said, "Can we stop here? I-I just wanted to watch the sunset with you." 

  Spottedleaf purred and pressed her flank with his. "Alright."

Author's Note: Ooh, things are going to be messed up in the next chapter! :) Sorry for the very late chapter...Hope you enjoyed, though it's kinda boring. See ya'! 

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