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  Spottedleaf glared at Firestar, and an emotion she had never experienced before stirred inside her. But before she could reply back to Firestar, there was a rustle behind her and a sandy she-cat appeared. 

  "Spottedleaf! Hi, have you seen Firestar? I need to talk to him..." She trailed off when she saw what Spottedleaf was doing. "Firestar? Why are you down there, and why is Spottedleaf not helping you out?"


  Firestar's voice was taut with uncertainty, but there was a faint defiance in his gaze when Sandstorm caught it. 

  "Can you please get me out?" Firestar pleaded. 

  "Of course! I wonder why Spottedleaf hasn't got you out yet." Sandstorm said, shooting a confused glance at Spottedleaf. Now that all the jealousy and ordeal was over, Sandstorm could finally regard these two as her proper Clanmates whilst forgetting all that had happened in the past.

  Marching over to a fallen branch, Sandstorm took one end of it with her jaws and tried lifting it, but it was too heavy. She judged the distance from the branch to the hole, but it was too far to drag it. The branch would inflict injuries on her paws. 

  "Spottedleaf! Help me."  

  Spottedleaf was sitting near the hole, tail curled over her paws. She was staring directly into the hole, but her eyes were fixed on nothing. "Spottedleaf!" Sandstorm called again, trying to jolt her out of her thoughts. 

  Spottedleaf didn't even blink as Sandstorm snapped in her sharpest tone, "Spottedleaf, hurry up and help me! Whatever you feel is contempt for Firestar or me is gone. Face it, Spottedleaf!" 

  Sandstorm finally padded over and nudged Spottedleaf quite roughly.

  Snarling, Spottedleaf finally showed some reaction. Leaping up, she twisted and faced Sandstorm. Scraping Sandstorm's nose, she caused a light wound. Blood welled out, and Sandstorm recoiled back in shock and anger. 

  "Spottedleaf! What has gotten into you?" Sandstorm asked, trying to keep her anger bottled in. Spottedleaf lashed her tail and closed her eyes, visibly holding her breath for...what, an outburst? 

  "You think you're so good, right, Sandstorm?" She spat the words out, each word laced with anger. 

  Sandstorm cocked her head, "No. Not every cat is perfect, and I know that. Why are you asking this?" 

  "Because you have no idea what you put me through, and now you're just trying to march in on me?" 

  Sandstorm opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again. "Spottedleaf, I really have no idea what you're talking about. Please, do enlighten me." She said, genuine and true. Spottedleaf arched her back, fur bristling. But before she could say anything else, Firestar's impatient meow floated up from within the hole. 

  "Hey! Hello? I'm here, you know!"  

  "Firestar, I need Spottedleaf to say her feelings and get her to help me; else I'll never be able to drag the branch to help you out!" Sandstorm said, a little exasperated at her former leader. 

  Firestar crossly replied, "Well, can't you get another cat and after you've rescued me, talk with Spottedleaf without me here?" 

  Sandstorm rolled her eyes. "Oh, please be quiet, Firestar. It's not like you're in a rush."  

  Firestar slumped. "You have no idea," he muttered, but Sandstorm was now speaking. Pricking his ears up, Firestar listened. 


   Spottedleaf was slightly confused at Sandstorm's accepting and motherly way, but it was her time.... Suddenly, fixed with Sandstorm's brilliant green gaze, she lost her anger and frustration. She lost the words to speak, and the more gentle part of her blossomed up again. 

  Sandstorm's eyes softened in understanding. "Spottedleaf, I know what you feel like. I've had a long talk with some very wise cats"-at this a sparkle of amusement appeared in her eyes-"and I understand. Spottedleaf, you have no need to say anymore. I don't know whether you think I'm boasting, but genuinely coming from me, I promise that I'm not." 

  Spottedleaf sat down and regarded Sandstorm with a new light. Twitching her ears, she suddenly let out a purr. "Sandstorm, my Clanmate. I'm so sorry for my behavior." Standing up, she shook herself. "I've been...acting rather silly these past few days. Once again, I apologise profusely." 

  Smiling slightly, she bowed her head deeply. Sandstorm inclined her head as well, and then Spottedleaf padded over to the hole. Staring down, she caught the gaze of Firestar's sparkling emerald eyes. "It's been a wonderful experience during the time we spent with each other, but I apologise. I apologise for all my acts during the past few days, and for making your time in StarClan seem stressful when it's supposed to be enjoyable and happy. Firestar, I thank you." 

  Firestar tilted his head and accepted the apology with warm eyes. "Thank you, Spottedleaf. But I, too, have to apologise for causing this much trouble."

  Spottedleaf purred and dipped her head, but as she did so she whispered, "That's alright, but I truly think that the cat you need to apologise to is Sandstorm." 

  After a moment of silence, Spottedleaf continued again, "I'll leave you two after I've dragged the branch over. Remember, at least make an effort to talk to her now that I'm not such a pain in the tail."

  Firestar purred, "You're not a pain in a tail." 

  "I sure was." Spottedleaf replied, then disappeared from sight as she helped lift the branch with Sandstorm. After a moment, there were three grunts as Sandstorm counted, and then the branch was shoved into the hole. 


  Firestar stepped back and allowed the branch to dig straight into the ground. With a shudder, he felt an immense wave of relief that the branch had missed him. When he climbed out, Spottedleaf had gone. The only sign that she was here at all was her lingering sweet scent, already growing faint. 

  Firestar faced Sandstorm, who had lost her bravado as she faced Firestar. Clearing her throat, she said, "Hi Firestar. I know I said I wouldn't talk to you about this subject ever again, but... I have to bring it up again." 

  Firestar sat down and meowed softly, "Sure you can talk. I've got all day," and it was true-he did have all day. Here in StarClan, there was...not that much worries! Sandstorm smiled slightly, and...was that tears? Firestar forced himself to remain sitting, but his voice was full of worry when he meowed, "Sandstorm, are you crying?"  

  Sandstorm closed her eyes and shook her head. "Nah, I'm not. Let's not delay. I would like to consider us together again. Would you...accept it?" 

  "I don't know, Sandstorm. Our feelings are still raw, and...maybe we should rethink?" Firestar asked uncertainly, but deep inside he could feel his whole body dancing with joy. Just as the words escaped his mouth, he realised that he might have offended her...

  Instead, Sandstorm purred, "Oh Firestar, I know you don't think that. But if you want, you can rethink. I will be waiting." Standing up, Sandstorm turned around and padded away, waving her tail in farewell. 

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for such a late update. (And a short chapter, too.) Thanks for waiting this long... Hope you enjoyed! :) The song attached up above is by Tori Kelly, Bottled Up. It is...kinda like Spottedleaf's feelings. :) 

Until next time,


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